No explanation has been given by the station. A telephone call to 4CA stated that he is on 'two weeks leave.' In the past, prior to John 'Macca' Mackenzie taking leave, he has announced it on air. However no mention was made during last week's broadcast.
The station owners, Prime Radio, remained tight-lipped about the controversy surrounding the 'cash for comments' investigation, as the station's advertising contracts are scrutinised
Group Program Director Daniel O’Carroll, has not returned a couple of calls this morning.
If he has been stood down, even temporally, the timing of Mackenzie's absence is rather suspicious. This week an external Cairns Regional Council report, headed by a Cairns QC, will wrap. Over the next three days, a number of interviews will be carried out of those involved about an financial arrangement that was not disclosed to Councillors or the Mayor for on-air appearances.ABC Media Watch report highlighted the investigation launched by the Australian Communications and Media Authority who are looking into breaches under the advertising code, by Radio 4CA. No disclaimer or on-air announcement was made during the first five weeks that there was a financial arrangement in place, when Mayor Schier returned to the hour-long talk show spot.
Advertisements broadcast must not be presented as news programs or other programs, according to the Commercial Radio Codes of Practice, clause 3.1.
When Mayor Schier returned to the show a week after the controversy was exposed, Mackenize was rude and short with the Mayor. Val tried to offer a thank you to the show's host and the radio station for waving any fees, but Mackenzie retorted, "Alright, we've already dealt with that."
As an interesting and spooky aside, the number "4", which appears in both '846' and '4CA' radio call signs, also is the key for "$". Worth noting.
I'm shocked, Jock!
Preparing for his interview with the QC no doubt.
If I had known this, I would have tuned in.
I'm quite sure I saw his toupee at Trinity Motors having a service.
Maybe he's like a vending machine. If you don't put coins in, doesn't work.
he may not "VAL" u his job...
or he may have "byrned" his bridges hhaa
Please folks, the man is missing!!
Come to your senses!!
Stop looking, you might find him.
After reading all the comments so far, Syd's is by far the wittiest!
That rug is beyond repair, Ive had it over the pit and checked it out diagnostically from top to bottom. It's shot to bits - No doubt about it, one of the worst cases of hair piece negelct in all my years of wig maintenance. John's not happy, but i told him there is a sale on at Locks for Shock Jocks this week. His style is on special "Golden Badger" apparently he likes that the way it matches his merkin. Watch out for the new "In the buff" Macca 846 promo pic out next month
The ComPost continued the charade by regurgitating his denial. His explanation about "too many untaken holidays" is a flat out lie, however. As previously pointed out and verified by those "in the biz", Mackenzie is his own company. He rents time from Prime, and sells his show, pocketing the profit. He gets no "holidays" from Prime BECAUSE HE DOESN'T WORK FOR THEM!
Doubletalk reins supreme.
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