Monday, 18 May 2009

Healthy volunteers honoured

Queensland's Association of Healthy Communities, known as QAHC (pronounced 'quack' - formerly Aids Council), has recognised the work of 30 long-serving volunteers.

The award ceremony marked National Volunteer Week. Five million Aussies volunteer every week, contributing 700 million hours of community service, including health care, heritage, arts, environment conservation, emergency services, education, social justice and sports.

QAHC's health promotion officer, Kevin Smith, said it's important to acknowledge the centre's volunteers.

"We depend of many people to help carry out the work of QAHC. They assist with our Pride Day organisation, health education, training and getting our messages out into the community," Kevin Scott says.

"Without them, our job would be almost impossible," Kevin said.

Molly Quick, now on the QAHC staff in Cairns, has previously volunteered for 17 years, yet still gives extra time. She is a well-known face in the community.

Vyvyen Wong and Nicky Paterson-Jones, were two that were acknowledged for their volunteer work to QAHC's health education efforts. Vyvyen is on the Advisory Board for QAHC's resource centre. She works with Airlines PNG and sponsored the recent Tropical Alternatives film festival.

QAHC has just released a new video, aimed at ending attitudes to discrimination.

The Centre, situated at 290 Draper Street, always welcomes more support. You can email them or phone 4041 5451.

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