Friday 8 October 2010

Open Debate returns

I ran an Open Debate a few times a year or two ago, and thought it's time again.

This is your chance to have your say about anything that isn't the subject of other blog posts. It might be about that Council gripe you have or how Shier needs to go or KB is about to make a come-back. Maybe it's about a great meal or night at the theatre you had...

Unlike other comments, on Open Debate you are welcome to raise your own pet subject and it doesn't need to conform with the convention of following one theme.

Feel free to have your rant but please, keep things sane and relatively publishable, and follow the usual comment posting rules. The last Open Debate proved rather popular with over 80 comments that took on a life of their own.

NB: I remind readers again that the Blog registration will be switched on next week, when you'll need to have a log in to leave comment, and won't be able to simply type in any ol name or click the Anon option.


Sam the Dog luber - Edmonton said...

I'll start the ball rolling.

I'm like cat's to be registered like dogs!!!!!!!!

fido said...

I would like all dogs stopped from barking all bloody day and next doors cats pissing at my front door.

I'm for the animals said...

When you see the way some people treat their 'pets', you understand why they bark all night and piss on your lawn - it's the only way they can fight back!

I like little dogs said...

Domestic dogs evolved from their wild ancestors through a process of selection for characteristics valued by their human owners - bonding, guarding, and co-operative hunting. These are still their dominant behaviors. Dogs as pets is a recent development of the last couple of centuries.

A large dog that has no job, no economic function in its owners way of life, is very likely to be bored out of its wits, stressed when left alone, and prone to barking and/or aggression - especially if it gets no training.

The current practice of getting a dog as a fashion accessory or a macho symbol of pig-hunting heroism is resulting in thousands of stinking barking useless mongrels that will never be anything but a nuisance, or a real danger when they rip into a child or old lady.

Councils need to wise up and get tough on these idiots who own big savage dogs and don't train or exercise or control them.

At present, it is not an offence to have a dog which annoys the neighbours with constant barking, unless the owner is deliberately causing the dog to bark.

And simply leaving the dog alone and tied up or locked in a small yard all day while the idiot owners go to work, is not considered neglect.

Small breeds, in contrast, are more suitable for the suburbs, usually quieter, more amenable to training, and more friendly, as a result of neoteny (the retention of juvenile characteristics as a side effect of selecting for small size.)

So if you want a dog as a pet and live in the suburbs, get a little dog - you'll be glad you did.

No backpacker jobs in Cairns! said...

My son recently completed a TAFE course in all things to do with bar work; health and safety, hygiene, responsible service of alcohol, cellar work, something to do with pokies, and other things I can't recall.

Armed with this, he headed off to the city to find a job in one of the nightclubs, something he'd always wanted to do.

He had no luck, because he's Australian. He was told everywhere he went that they only employ backpackers with work visas and, if pushed, good looking young local women.

They do this because they are not subject to workplace laws in regards to holiday pay, sick pay, overtime rates and superannuation. They can also be sacked for no reason.

This isn't just in bars and nightclubs either, backpacker hostels are the same, you can get a job as long as you're not Australian.

In a place like Cairns, with the unemployment we have, backpackers should not be allowed to work, they should be restricted to places where there is work, and a shortage of workers.

Working backpackers bring nothing to Cairns, they only take, so why are we encouraging them to come here?

Australian jobs for Australians!


Anonymous said...

I am sorry that your son can't find a job in his chosen field. Maybe it is because he doesn't have any hands-on experience. Maybe he should try and start in a pub or sports club before trying the nightclubs ?

Backpackers are subject to the same rules , regulations and workplace laws as everyone else and anybody who says otherwise is either a liar or ill-informed ! If the employers break those rules, they should be persecuted.

Working backpackers do bring money to Cairns. The money they earn gets spent here. In fact their money gets spread much more through the community than big spending foreign tourists, whose money ends up mainly with a handful of multinationals, many of them foreign owned.

Australian jobs for Australians! Good, let's at the same time recall the hundreds of thousand of Aussies who work overseas and see how we go.Or does this work only one way ?

There's probably someone like you in London right now whinging about Aussies taking all the jobs. For every tourist that works here, an Aussie works overseas in their country. That's the whole idea of working holiday visas.

No backpacker jobs in Cairns! said...

"Maybe it is because he doesn't have any hands-on experience."

He does now, by working out in the 'burbs', but he still can't get a job in the city.

"Backpackers are subject to the same rules , regulations and workplace laws as everyone else"

No holiday pay, no sick pay, no superannuation and sacked whenever they feel like it ... casual labour.

"The money they earn gets spent here."

No it isn't, it's used to travel somewhere else .... go and ask them what they do with their money.

"Good, let's at the same time recall the hundreds of thousand of Aussies who work overseas"

Good, who cares? This is Cairns, and our kids can't find work, if that's the same where these Aussies work, restrict them.

"For every tourist that works here, an Aussie works overseas in their country."

So our kids have to go overseas to find work?

Australian jobs for Australians!

MG said...

Hey Mike

If point 9 of your blog rules is in effect why then are those who type obscenities like f off and others not had their comments removed?

For those who dont know the rules here is rule 9 below

Oh and mike that cross posting from facebook mmmmmm thats more than a link is it not.....thats using information from facebook in your might want to check if that is allowed in the section on facebook rules.......

9. Cross-posting
With the advent of my CairnsBlog Twitter, Facebook, YouTube profiles, I reserve the right to cross post messages sent to those forums, onto the relevant story on the Blog. When or people choose to communicate with me via these mediums, I reserve the right to record and / or publish any or part of conversations. This goes for emails sent directly, unless specifically requested that it is not for publication.

Alternatively, contribute comments that enhance the debate – do it intelligently, without using obscenities ensure that your comment is on track with the thread of the conversation and you need not be worried about you comment being published other than exactly as you wrote it.

Sammy Jaye, Freshwater said...

Farkoff MG. Are you the internet police or something????

MG said...

Sammy it seems you are troubled by the truth here that mike said he would remove comments........

Would you like to contribute something worthwhile or not?

or is this all you have to say?

Anonymous said...

Lots of Aussies work as casuals. Backpackers in casual employment work under the same conditions as Australians in casual employment, so your original comment was wrong and misleading.

Our kids can't find work in Cairns, because the economy is stuffed, not because backpackers are stealing them.

I employed 4 people a year ago (all Aussie locals), now I employ one !

The general public takes advantage of the shortage of work by screwing trades people like me down to a level where it is hardly worth doing the job anymore. They don't realise they are screwing their own kids out of a job.

Many of the hotels in town are constantly short-staffed, even now. They totally rely on backpackers to do the work, because local Aussies won't or can't. The same goes for the farms.

Maybe you should go overseas and have a look how Aussie backpackers are enjoying themselves in other countries, before coming with parochial, narrow-minded slogans.

Yes this is Cairns and the place would be absolutely dead if it wasn't for overseas backpackers.

No Blake lover said...

"Backpackers in casual employment work under the same conditions as Australians in casual employment, so your original comment was wrong and misleading."

No holiday pay, no sick pay, no superannuation, sacked with no comeback. If you think it's easy to get a bar job in the city, go and do it, don't talk about it.

"Our kids can't find work in Cairns, because the economy is stuffed, not because backpackers are stealing them."

So there is only ONE reason? How stupid is that statement? My son is only one of many kids who would find employment if backpackers were forced to find work in areas of labour shortages.

"They totally rely on backpackers to do the work, because local Aussies won't or can't."

Absolute rubbish! They can't find workers because they pay shit wages, even backpackers won't work in some of these places, which is why there are so many low paid Asian women doing the work.

"The same goes for the farms."

Local kids can't travel to places like Mareeba every day to work, backpackers can, but they want the city jobs, they don't want to pick mangoes.

"Maybe you should go overseas and have a look how Aussie backpackers are enjoying themselves in other countries, before coming with parochial, narrow-minded slogans."

I've been overseas, I come from overseas, I've seen Aussie backpackers working, and I've seen local resentment, I'll bet a pound to a pinch of shit you haven't.

"Yes this is Cairns and the place would be absolutely dead if it wasn't for overseas backpackers."

No-one is talking about backpackers per se, although you'd like to pretend otherwise. This is about those with work visas who don't want to work where they are needed, taking jobs our kids could be doing, taking money out of Cairns and putting nothing back.

PS: This is an opinion, something idiots like you seem to think no-one but the likes of you is entitled to.

Growl said...

On another topic, has anyone else really got the shits big time with the State Government and the waste of money they put into advertising plugging themselves.
Now they are going to spend millions of dollars of our money on an ad campaign to promote their Wild Rivers Legislation.The legislation that the Queen of Desperation Anna Bligh used to suck up to the greens to get their preference votes at the last election.
Obscene waste of money. The scumbags have no idea.
Also: Why are we going for the Commonwealth Games in 2018 on the Gold Coast. More Stadiums for SEQ. Imagine what some of this money could do for Cairns, our Hospital and our roads now, instead of a 30 yr solution. Our useless members should hang their head in shame

KitchenSlut said...

'No backpacker jobs in Cairns'? I'm really trying not to be judgemental but why does your boy aspire emphaticslly to a job in a city nightclub exclusive of other opportunities?

Does he have a Godfather ambition or just see that as a great way to pick up hot ... ummm backpackers?

Whats wrong with his job in the 'suburbs' he doesn't seem to have had a problem actually finding employment so whats the bitch?

Yassu whatsit is correct and as always whenever there is any unemployment xenophopic elements blame immigration. There is no evidence for this phobia rather the reverse and any population exodus of 'backpackers' ...who maybe both foreign or Australian (?) ..... can only possibly cause a net negative employment impact and loss of wealth in the region!

What you are demanding is that the region should suffer so your boy can fulfill an odd ambition to work in a city nightclub rather than his present job!?

P.S. Kiwi's go home too you job stealing bastards :-)

Anonymous said...

"My son is only one of many kids who would find employment if backpackers were forced to find work in areas of labour shortages."

You can rant as much as you want. They cannot "force" backpackers to do anything. You got no idea what you are talking about.I have employed many local kids over the past 20 years. Have you ? Of course it is easier to blame some foreigners...

I've been overseas, I come from overseas, I've seen Aussie backpackers working, and I've seen local resentment, I'll bet a pound to a pinch of shit you haven't.

Where can I send the piece of shit,mate. I am from overseas too and have traveled more than you ever will. You're talking about pounds, so you're probably a Pom and a whinging one at that.

"Local kids can't travel to places like Mareeba every day to work, backpackers can."

Why not ?

"This is about those with work visas who don't want to work where they are needed, taking jobs our kids could be doing, taking money out of Cairns and putting nothing back."

You really haven't got a clue. Working Holiday Visas are not meant to fill skills shortages. They are to enable young people to experience Australia by traveling and working around the place. It is reciprocal arrangement Australia has with a number of other countries.

P.S. This is an informed opinion, not an ignorant rant.

Michael P Moore said...

No comments have been rejected/blocked.

Paranoia is an early sign of blogritus. Think you need a stiff drink on the 10th floor with your mate!

Anonymous said...

@ No Blake lover

If your son has inherited your attitude, then it is not strange he can't find a job.

My business has not failed. It has contracted, like much of the construction industry. And like many other trade contractors we had to adjust our staffing accordingly. It is basic economics, not failure.

So where are you from, big mouth ? Tell us all what you do and what you are about instead of just hinting at it.

And if you are so successful, why don't YOU give your son a job ?

And maybe try and return to the original topic of your (ignorant) belief about backpackers stealing jobs from locals and taking money out of Cairns.I suppose they must live on thin air in a park somewhere, rather than spending money on food and drink, entertainment, rent etc.

Why don't you come with some figures and statistics rather than with xenophobic slogans.

And go see a therapist about your paranoia and uncontrolled anger.

No Blake lover said...

Once again MY comment has been rejected, it seems freedom of speech doesn't extend much past MM's nose!

As to the failed businessman, Yassu Yani, there's not much left to say to you, you've failed in business, and, even with MM's help, you've failed in this argument.

"I suppose they must live on thin air in a park somewhere"

Get up off your fat lazy arse and ask them what they intend to do when their three months working in one place is up. Ask them where they are going, and how they got the money to get there.

Ask them if they will be leaving with more money than they arrived with, or whether they have left some behind.

"My business has not failed. It has contracted"

It failed. It failed because you don't have the nous to plan ahead, my business hasn't failed, in fact, my profits have increased, but then I'm a real businessman, not an upstart like you.

"And if you are so successful, why don't YOU give your son a job?"

Because he has no interest in boats, or fishing, and he finds diving and snorkelling boring. He has other ways of enjoying himself, secure in the knowledge that he will one day inherit a successful business, unlike your kids, who will probably inherit the debts of another failed construction company.

Anonymous said...

"secure in the knowledge that he will one day inherit a successful business"

So what's the problem then "real" businessman ? It looks like your son is very fussy about what job he wants to do and where he wants to work. Now you are blaming some backpackers( who are probably much more qualified than your son) for having a job that he might want. Why don't you buy him his own nightclub which just employs locals ?

And where do you want to draw the line ? Ban all backpackers from working here ? Most of the goons at the doors look pretty foreign to me. Ban them too ? Kiwi's, Victorians ? Can they stay ? Or only local Cairns people or are Queenslanders in general ok ? How would you implement such a scheme. And of course, if backpackers can't work in the Cairns area, fewer will come here, which means that there might be no job for your precious son anyway.

Show me some statistics and research that prove your assumptions about people on working holiday visas. Unless you can come up with some cold hard facts you have no credibility whatsoever.

You can rave and rant all you want. It won't make a difference. The backpackers on working holiday visas can work wherever they like and the employers can employ whoever they like. And if your son can't compete with that, well tough...

All your abusive language really leaves me cold. Making all sort of bizarre statements doesn't make them true. I think you are just a whingeing Pom with a chip on your shoulder.

And now I will go into town and have my self a cold beer, served by one of those gorgeous, well-mannered and pleasant backpackers. Thanks God there is so many here. Cairns would be a very boring place without them.

MG said...

Lets get the debate of defamation going ...........since its so close to home for the blog owner MM

Please start reading defamation and blog law in australia people. There are some snippets below:-

Here is an example of what defamation is:

"Defamation is the publication of words or images to a person that damages the reputation of another ['slander' if spoken words, 'libel' if written words or images]. A defamatory statement is one that is likely to cause ordinary, reasonable people to think less of the person about whom the words or images are published. An inference that casts a defamatory imputation is enough to bring an action. "

For a defamation action to be successful, it must be established that the communication:

•was published to a third person, i.e. to at least one person other than the plaintiff (person/entity defamed).

•identifies the plaintiff, for example, by name or by a reference to a small group of people, etc.

•contains a defamatory statement or imputation (whether intentionally published or not).

Defamation action may be brought, not only against the original publisher (writer/speaker), but also against anyone who takes part in the publication or re-publication of the material. Furthermore, re-publication by someone other than the original writer may result in an action against the original writer as well as the re-publisher.

•Internet users may be sued in relation to material they write/publish themselves, or if they re-publish/distribute material written by someone else. They may also be sued if another person publishes something they wrote, for example, an email published without the writer's permission on a web site.

(sourced from EFA and Artslaw centre and Australian Government Attorney Generals Office all online)

The BIG question then is has any of this above occurred here in this site:

Some questions to help you all in determining if material is defamatory is:

Does the communication harm the plaintiff’s reputation?

Does the communication result in the plaintiff being exposed to hatred, contempt, or ridicule?

Does the communication lead to the plaintiff being ostracised or shunned?

Ok people here who have been serial sloggers on Cairns blog what say you about this?????????

No Blake lover said...

Oh dear Yassu, not only are you a failure in your business, but you're not very good at this blogging either.

"Show me some statistics and research that prove your assumptions about people on working holiday visas. Unless you can come up with some cold hard facts you have no credibility whatsoever."

Why don't you show ME some statistics and research to prove YOUR assumptions?

What's that, you can't?

Are you saying that every backpacker on a working visa leaves Cairns with less money than they arrived with? I bet you are, that's just how stupid you are.

Unless you can come up with some cold hard facts you have no credibility whatsoever.

"It looks like your son is very fussy about what job he wants to do and where he wants to work."

As opposed to your kids, who don't give a shit what they do as long as they have a job?

You're not setting them much of an example, are you?

Enjoy your beer, you must need it after the mauling you get on here.

Anonymous said...

"I see my posts are being rejected by MM, so it seems other's opinions score more points than mine. "you're not very good at this blogging either."

And you are ? Did you click the right button or are you just paranoid ?

"Why don't you show ME some statistics and research to prove YOUR assumptions?"

You and your alter ego, "No backpacker jobs" started this topic without providing any evidence whatsoever. Put your money where your big mouth is or shut up.

"Are you saying that every backpacker on a working visa leaves Cairns with less money than they arrived with"

No I never did and it is irrelevant. Plenty of backpackers work in other places in Australia and come and spend their money in Cairns. And locals who work here go overseas and spend their money there. So what's the difference ? I thought a REAL businessman could work that one out.

If your picky, lazy, incompetent son is anything like you he shouldn't be allowed to work in any establishment that deals with the public. But he can just sit back and wait for to you to die and inherit your successful business. Maybe that's the problem ?

You should really go and see someone about your anger issues.I hope you don't work in tourism...fancy having to deal with all these horrible backpackers.

And thanks,I am enjoying my beer. I think I'll have another one. Just love those backpackers.

No Blake lover said...

@ the failure

This was the first insult, and it came from you, failure ..

"Maybe you should go overseas and have a look how Aussie backpackers are enjoying themselves in other countries, before coming with parochial, narrow-minded slogans."

You then try to pass your ignorance onto me, and now, having lost the argument, you try insulting my kids.

My kids are proud of me, yours can hardly be proud of you when you're incapable of running a business as easy to make money at as the building trade.

I know many builders, including my son-in-law, who still make good money, and haven't had to put people off, it's called making a good name for yourself .... quality workmen always find work, slackers like yourself suffer when the work drops off, as you've already found out.

Try apologising to them, you could even try meaning it, you owe them that much for being a bad role model for them.

Let's hope the work picks up soon for you, it's not fair that your kids should suffer because of your incompetence.

Luckily for them they live in Australia where their father can pick up dole money until he finds work.

Go careful with the beer, don't drink too much, we don't want you going home and beating the wife because you've been put in your place my someone successful.

MG said...

Oh Bronwyn seems you are a little touchy about Blake.

It also seems that my main point has been missed again by you.

I have had several attempts at trying to explain to you bloggers that an example must be set as cairns school children are able to read this dribble and vitriol and abuse here yet and its not stopped by MM at all.

In fact its encouraged by his mates who post in to antagonise.

Seems school children are not allowed to bully online yet these 'free speech' bullies are as MM does nothing to enforce his Point 9 of blog rules

Oh and Bronwyn write back when you have more to contribute as I am no groupie but I am sure interested in the legal precedence being set here.

MM is publishing plaintiff's letters on the site and this is another way he is leaving himself open to further implications legally

Jannie Ferguson, Canopy's Edge, Smithfield said...

oh "mg" u have to be the most boring yet predicable Blake suck up there ever was.... yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

as if ANYONE has sympathy for that self-indulgent rat ...

are you going to china with him next week????????? we all know who you are!!! ahhahahhahahahha

Anonymous said...

@ No Blake Lover,aka as the Whingeing Pom, aka as the real successful businessman.

For your information, I don't have any kids, which makes all your assumptions and commentary even more bizarre and pointless than they already were.

The construction industry is cyclical and staffing levels go up and down accordingly. My business is going fine, has no debt and I have never been on the dole in my life. I don't need a great deal of work to get by and saved my money during the good times. I am happy to leave many of the jobs to others who are so desperate that they will work for nothing.I will hire more people when things pick up. I might even employ some backpackers.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand, which has been thoroughly researched. The results are readily available. If you had done some research yourself before starting your rant based on nothing but assumptions and prejudices, you would not have made such a fool of yourself.

A fairly recent report, published by the Department of Immigration, is available here :

It is 116 pages, so it might strain your brain a bit. WHM stands for Working Holiday Maker.

Some snippets from the report, which show what an uninformed fool you are :

"Each WHM arrival was estimated to create a total of 0.212 full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs, through their spending. "

" Forty per cent of all the jobs done were in regional areas, the largest share being farm hands and fruit pickers. This does suggest that WHMs are providing avery useful additional labour force to a specific region/occupation/industry that is struggling to find good workers."

"Do WHMs Displace Local Workers?
The big picture answer to this question is that WHMs create more jobs than they take, since they spend more money in Australia than they earn."

"Almost all the employers in the survey said they tried to recruit local people to do the same sorts of jobs as they hired WHMs for: indeed, they thought local and WHM labour were close substitutes, but half stated that it was difficult to get local workers to do these jobs."

"The WHM scheme enables employers to get better quality workers for the pay and conditions they are prepared to offer. In many ways,
WHMs play a similar role in the Australian labour market to full-time students who also take paid work. These people are relatively capable, motivated, self-disciplined and reliable. Because the job is an adjunct to their main interest (study, travel), they are willing to accept low wages in unskilled jobs that do not provide skill development, any career prospects or job security."

I am looking forward to see some facts and figures that support your ,so far unsubstantiated ,claims about the impact working backpackers have on the Cairns economy. Without it, your original posting is indeed a "parochial, narrow-minded slogan". That is just an observation, not an insult.

Try and tone down the personal abuse. It adds nothing to the debate and is rather pathetic. I also note that you have not even tried to address any of the vary valid points I have brought up, but direct most of your attention to a bunch of non-existing kids and a business you know nothing about. But I suppose that is easier then actually giving the matter some thought.

MG said...

In response to Jannie:

If you are so sure who I am I thought you would be sure to post here who it is you think I am

"are you going to china with him next week????????? we all know who you are!!! ahhahahhahahahha"

Nope not going and didnt know he was going.

Have a good trip Alan. All the best.

At least you wont be around nutters like some of those here who attack people rather than have intelligent discussion and debate as well as the others who post vulgarities and vitriol.

Those who attack and put down others here do not have anything of value to say other than nastiness, vulgarities and personal abuse

They provide no thought provoking ideas or facts and basically are boring the rest of us with their nothingness posted


Lillian at Yorkeys said...

Well, it would seem that Alan Blake has sufficiently recovered from his depression & general trauma to manage a trip to China?

One would hope he has recovered sufficiently, as this little jaunt is being paid for by the CRC, ie. our rates.

Actually, I do hope the Council has done as suggested by one witty Councillor, and indeed bought him a one-way ticket.

Bye Alan.

:Kevin-John: Morgan. said...

To MG: Here are the answers to your questions.
Q: Does the communication harm the plaintiff’s reputation?
A: No (there was no reputation worth harming that was not already harmed by himself).
Q: Does the communication result in the plaintiff being exposed to hatred, contempt, or ridicule?
A: No (any hatred, contempt or ridicule, occurred way before this communication).
Q: Does the communication lead to the plaintiff being ostracised or shunned?
A: No (no arguments here), if so, he wouldn't be going to China!
Interesting that you quote these so-called "laws", written in the very same language as Mr Rudd's "Sorry" speech (disqualified by myself and 38 tribes of Origines 24 hours after the event), which
says absolutely NOTHING!
The communication everyone is talking about, said absolutely NOTHING!
The references you use, such as: (sourced from EFA and Artslaw centre and Australian Government Attorney Generals Office all online), were just recently disqualified by the School of New Universal Legal Technology (Barristers all), as containing NO Nouns, meaning NO Facts, therefore totally Fiction!
Come along to a class MG, you may just learn something.
We were taught in school to always remember: "Sticks & Stones may break my bones but names(words)can never hurt me".
If you think you've finished with school, you're very wrong.
School begins, when school is out!

No Blake lover said...

@ Yassu the Failure

For your information, I'm not from the UK, which makes all your assumptions and commentary even more bizarre and pointless than they already were.

As to your other points, let's look at them ...

"Forty per cent of all the jobs done were in regional areas, the largest share being farm hands and fruit pickers."

So 60% of them work in places like Cairns, where there is high unemployment, and only 40% go where they are needed.

"they spend more money in Australia than they earn."

But do they spend more in Cairns than they earn? The fact that they spend more in OZ is a no-brainer.

"Almost all the employers in the survey said they tried to recruit local people to do the same sorts of jobs as they hired WHMs for"

Well they would say that, wouldn't they? Who is going to admit they shun local workers?

"The WHM scheme enables employers to get better quality workers for the pay and conditions they are prepared to offer ..."

Cheap labour!

"... they are willing to accept low wages in unskilled jobs that do not provide skill development, any career prospects or job security."

As I pointed out, no holiday pay, no sick pay, no superannuation, if they didn't do the work the employers would be forced to pay Australians proper wages and proper conditions, as I do for the people I employ.

The FACT is, pubs, bars and nightclubs in the city employ backpackers first and foremost, and locals are denied the work, whilst mango farmers on the Tablelands are crying out for workers.

Try and tone down the personal abuse, failure, it only shows what a dickhead you are when you substitute fact for vitriol.

Get a life mate, try to forget your failures, you'll never win an argument against an OPINION, my OPINION is that they should not be allowed to work in Cairns, your OPINION is that my OPINION is wrong .... how stupid is that?

Now, I'm off for a beer at the Yacht Club, with successful people!


Warren Entsch said...

Anonymous said...

@ No Blake whatever,

It is my OPINION that your have your FACTS wrong. Even though the facts stare you in the face, you are still in denial.

"do they spend more in Cairns than they earn? The fact that they spend more in OZ is a no-brainer."

As I pointed out before ; other backpackers work in other parts of Australia and then spend their money in Cairns. Many backpackers do not work at all in Cairns and still spend their money. I think that is a no-brainer. Try to be a little less parochial and look at the big picture.

"As I pointed out, no holiday pay, no sick pay, no superannuation."

Plenty of Aussies do no get sick or holiday pay, it is called casual employment.

Backpackers ARE entitled to superannuation. If employers are not paying the right money, then you should direct your anger at them, not at backpackers. Maybe you should join a union or something.

Anyway, your OPINION matters not a lot, because nothing is going to change, no matter how much you would like it to, just so your son can fulfill his ambition ( and he really has set his goals very high) to work as a barman in some poxy nightclub.

No one cares, except you. And all your bragging is really pathetic. That's my opinion anyway.

MG said...


thanks for replying and giving answers to the questions

you forgot the most important point

the criminal code which deals with a carriage device/service and also the blog owners roles and responsibility to remove offensive and defamatory information about anyone posted by himself or anyone here

another thing is evidence to prove or disprove

what computer was used, whether at home or work, the blog itself and the communications published in the blog and also those that were emailed to the blog owner could all be part of evidence if required

its a biggy and i guess time will give answers to us all

a precedence is being set and judging by the new laws being drafted this could have bearing on how they are formed for print

No Blake lover said...

@ Yassu the Failure

You should have popped down to the Yacht Club last night Failure, we had a good laugh at your expense, we were even prepared to have a whip-round to buy you a beer or two, seeing as you're not doing too well at the old building lark.

"... just so your son can fulfill [sic] his ambition ( and he really has set his goals very high) to work as a barman in some poxy nightclub."

Oh, didn't I mention ... he's also an IT professional specialising in network administration, the nightclub job is because of his love of mixing with people and shagging backpackers .... females of course, before you get carried away!

Anyway, good luck to you Failure, I hope you pick up a few scraps of work when the building boom comes around again, if it comes round again, then maybe you will be able to afford to have kids.

Anonymous said...

@No Brains Lover

Why does your son need a job in a nightclub to be able to mix with and "shag" backpackers ? Is there something wrong with him ?

"he's also an IT professional"

IT nerd,mmmm, maybe that's what started this whole thing ? The poor boy got a few knock-backs and daddy went on line to blame someone.

"Females of course"

Are you homophobic as well as xenophobic ? Are your SURE he isn't gay ?

Drinks at he "Yacht Club" ?

Do you mean the little concrete box near the Pier ? Such an impressive venue ! Do they even have a bar there or do you bring your own and sit on crates ? I'm sure your alcoholic mates would laugh at anything you showed them as long as you are paying for the drinks.

And you still haven't come up with any FACTS or EVIDENCE that support your idiotic statements.

No Blake lover said...

@ Yassu the Failure

"Why does your son need a job in a nightclub to be able to mix with and "shag" backpackers ?"

Why not get paid for doing it? See, unlike you he has a business brain

"Is there something wrong with him ?"

Is there something wrong with you?

"Are you homophobic ...."

Not at all, I dislike you for yourself, not because you're gay, who you shag is your business, whatever turns you on ducky.

" as well as xenophobic?"

Seeing as you were the one who brought up nationality, and insulting "poms", I think it's quite clear where the xenophobia is, ducky.

"Are your SURE he isn't gay?"

I'm sure, and if he was he wouldn't be interested in a failure, so stick to trawling the gay bars.

"Drinks at he "Yacht Club"? Do you mean the little concrete box near the Pier?"

No, I mean the Yacht Club, not somewhere you'd hang out, no pretty boys.

"And you still haven't come up with any FACTS"

I don't have to, you did it for me, remember? 40% work where they are needed, the other 60% work in places of high unemployment as cheap labour, like Cairns.

Not too good at this are you, ducky?

Anonymous said...

Man you are so delusional. First you rave on about my non-existing kids, now you are telling me that I am gay. Anything but address the subject matter. The report about Working Holiday Makers speaks for itself, no matter how much you try and deny it. And your son has a business brain because he wants to work in a nightclub ? Looks like he takes after his idiotic father to me. Now crawl back to your alcoholic mates and have a whinge and a moan about something else. It has been fun talking to you and exposing you for the ignorant tosser that you are. You are obviously not interested in having a serious discussion about the topic at hand, which is actually very relevant to the Cairns economy. Bye, bye !

No Blake lover said...

@ Yassu the Failure

Hahaha!! As the saying goes Failure, if you can't take it, don't dish it out, you started the shit, I finished it .... end of!

Now, off you go to your gay bar and drown your sorrows with one of your pretty young boys, just try not to cry in his Martini.

PS: Don't forget the figures, bear them in mind next time you try to pick up another backpacker, 40% work where they are needed, 60% head for places of high unemployment as cheap labour .... so don't forget to pay him, you could be saving a local job!

MG said...


Did a search on google for the institution that was mentioned by you came up empty!

No results found for "school of new universal legal technology".

I did reply earlier on Monday but found that my post was not added.....must be the new monitoring of MM.

This is an interesting case to watch as laws are being reformed in Australia at present and a draft has been done. This may form a precedent therefore changing the laws.

For something to be proven there is evidence required. Evidence and fact can be in the form of written in print or digital, photographs , computers at home and work, the internet service provider, emails, texts to name just a few.

If the blog has used this medium and there is evidence that has been collected copied and filed for submission to the court then also subpoenas may be issued for further service providers to supply information.

Cairns is a small place its not what you know but who you know

Bluey what class am invited to attend? A Drum class or 1st year law studies at this unheard of school of new universal technology?
School is not out for me as next year thinking of starting my masters degree.

Maybe I could do a case study analysis of proper blog etiquette

Boom Boom

:Kevin-John: Morgan. said...

MG, try looking for Schools of Jurisprudence.
However, anyone who Googles would know, if you use Google to find something new, you will always find the negative or nothing at all!
The principal modern schools of jurisprudence are: Natural-Law school, analytical school, historical school, comparative school, socialogical school, and now, Universal Legal Technology school, of which I am a student and lecturer.
Catch me in town for tea, I carry this new textbook everywhere.

MG said...

Hi Kev

I posted a reply with questions about your topic but it was not put up here again.

Pity I was interested in what you said.


Anonymous said...

The fact that "No Blake Lover" also posts as "Schapelle Corby is Innocent" undermines his credibility even further.Let's just call him Rick.

On the one hand Rick thinks it is ok for a self-confessed drug dealer to steal jobs from the locals in Bali, but on the other hand backpackers in Cairns should not be allowed to work ?

And what's with all the gay fantasies, Rick ? Do your mates at the Yacht Club know about that ?

:Kevin-John: Morgan. said...

I have just been doing a course on the history of some of our so-called "political parties".
Interesting to note that the so-called Labor Party was founded on pro-American principles brought to Australia by King O'Malley.
These guys can't spell either!
Interesting to also note that the British Labor Party (can't spell either), was founded in 1893, by the merger of those two dastardly institutions, "The Fabian Society" and the Trade Union movement(why am I not suprised), and backed by the major financiers of the City of London (The Crown).
Labor Party & Liberal Party frontbenchers are all signing on to the new paradigm: "Sustainable Population Australia", which was set up by Prince Philip after calling for population growth to be declared an "environmental threat" under Federal Law.
Genocide-promoter, and past president of the Fabians, Kelvin Thomson, who is now in charge of the "depopulation" of Australia, has openly called for the culling of Australians.
Make no mistake, Genocide is the official, announced policy of the present government, as it was also the official policy of others such as John Howard, Paul Keating, Bob Hawke, Kevin Rudd, etc, etc.
The "National Population Council", was set up by Bob Hawke, along with many other Commissions, for the establishment of the mindset, "population stabilisation", which in the real world means, killing of millions of Australians.
Now, let's start on the "Liberal" Party.......well, maybe next issue.
It's time we got rid of "Party" politics in Australia, which goes nowhere, does nothing, and always gives us a ship with two captains going in opposing directions.
How the hell can that be good for ANY country?

adam said...

Big Gay Cairns...

I've just moved to Cairns from Manchester, UK, and I'm shocked to see that the gay scene in Cairns consists of one bar and a once a month club night (currently cancelled due to venue problems). The empty shops on Sheridan street would make fantastic gay nightclubs, bars, etc and would give the city a whole gay district, which would generate billions of dollars for cairns, not just by providing a much needed service for the local gay community (especially younger members such as myself and my friends) but by attracting large numbers of tourists also.
COME ON CAIRNS, cash in on the pink dollar!!!

Marty said...

while definately not gay myself, I've seen attempt after attempt at getting a gay scene in Cairns Fail. We've just lost our only gay resort - skinny dips - as well.
I think the reasons pretty simple.
Cairns is basically a pig huntin, wife beatin, rum drinkin kinda town.

(while I do enjoy a run or six I definately don't hunt pigs or beat wives)

MDW said...

This is UP North, where the men act like pigs, and the women hunt boars :)It's funny i heard some where once the "made up" statistics for car crashes in north QLD compared to down in the major cities, in the cities, before a crash the most common things said are F**K and SH*T, in north QLD before a crash the most common thing said is "Here hold my rum and watch this for skill" hahaha