Saturday 23 October 2010

$43,000,000,000 for the NBN and only one in ten want it

Here's an interview on 4BC with some folk who are the first in the country to be connected to the new National Broadband Network. The owner of the local Midway Point IGA in Tasmania, shares his views.

However, it's off to a shaky start, with only one in ten people offered the system in Tasmania having decided to connect to the higher speed.


MB said...

Also important to note that the one in ten who have accepted have a subsidised service as the Govt is supplying subsidised or free broadband internet to the ISPs.
I was also alarmed to hear that the existing copper wire network is being removed where the broadband cable is being installed.

Unknown said...

Lets not forget that some of the current tasmanian users would have existing contracts with other Service Providers so may not yet be in a position to switch.

stinhambo said...

Yawn, what a non story Mike.

Most of the people asked have existing contracts so they couldn't do it.

A lot of houses are rentals so they couldn't make the change.

This is a Stage 1 testing phase so it's not like a full blown campaign to move people over. It's not about the numbers right now, it's more about testing the implementation.