Wednesday, 22 August 2007

City Place is this Council's terrible legacy

What a balls up. How could they continue to stuff up this area?

This has to be the worst example of a Council so out of control and out of touch with it's people.

We have just been presented with what is the third or fourth attempt of Shitty Place, I mean City Place. What were they thinking? No consultation. No consultation. This mantra should be inscribed on the outside walls of the Spence Street Office block.

I recall some years ago the builders screens were removed after months and months of work, only to be revealed with a Piazza!

Gone were the rolling green grassy mounds and lush shady tropical trees... and bamm: 27,000 brick pavers, and hot steel seats with no shade (3 years on, they still don't have any shade). We mounted a fight to get a shade over the children's play area, and were told there wasn't money in the kitty. They finally reneged. Questionable art appeared in the form of wash basins. I know art is subjective, however it hardly represented our region in such an important and central location like this.

The Cairns Post report today that we live alongside Elves.

If you gathered together 100 Year 8's from Redlynch School, gave them all a sheet of A4 paper, and asked them to draw and list what they'd like in their "town square", they would have eaten our city planners and Council alive. In fact, why DIDN'T we ask them??

They would have listed all things green, cultural and tropical, flowing creeks.. a mini rainforest... iconic representations of our ancient history and what makes of region internationally famous.

That's what they would have done. No doubt about it.

But the Bynre Council simply got a truck load of bricks left over from another Hedley apartment construction, and look what we've got.

Today's Cairns Post reveals the latest response following the completion of the new stage area... a giant mushroom looking thing.. shocked. This Blog also agrees the whole episode from start too finish - over 4 years - is one big balls up. This Council doesn't ask you or I. Know why? Because we might have some input about our community and how we'd like it to evolve and grow and change. But that's not how this Council does business.

This City Place development is a terrible legacy against the inability for this Council to consult with it's people. It is a most disgusting representation of anything that engages the audience or visitors. It is a space the actually does the opposite. It repels people away instead of being a central meeting place.. with a welcoming and embracing feel.

This should be a place to gather and wander and meander and relax and enjoy.

What a shame. A real shame that this has been allowed to happen. I suspect the bill will be in the millions for all the work and patch-ups that have occurred in this space over the last 5 years.
You know it's time to throw out a Council when things like City Place happen.


Anonymous said...

G'Day Michael,

Nice new Cairns blog you've got here. Thanks for the plug and the link love. Very thoughtful, much appreciated!

I had a look around your site and subscribed to your RSS Feed. I fear I may struggle to keep up with your intense update schedule, though, it looks like you've been blogging your arse off!!

Keep up the good work!

Wicked Joe

Anonymous said...

Whoops.. guess I should have posted that comment on the right article. It's been a long day!


Anonymous said...

Another of Byrn's stuff ups. City Place used to have a great green hill and lots of shady places to sit and watch performances. Would you believe they have spent over 2 million of resident's rates on this and it still doesn;t work. What a disaster.

Anonymous said...

I am convinced that Cairns City Council has provided no shelter in the city place for the same reason they have not provided shelter on most of the esplanade, i.e. they are worried black people may congregate there. I also believe the Cairns police have had input into this decision. There is no question that the demise of some live music venues was "hurried along" because black people love live music and many would frequent the cbd to visit these places.
The council and the police have found the above measures an easy way to assist in their ethnic cleansing of the cbd.
If you wish to verify the effect, consider this, check the percentage of black people who live in the Cairns area, and the next time you're having a night out on the town [that was night] play count the black man.

Anonymous said...

Could'nt agree more with Mr Moore!
After what seems waiting forever we get something that would'nt look out of place in an episode of the Flintstones-giving my age away.
As a local musician who's played out of the last space and was anticipating a structure at least close to the artists impression-it's not even close! I reckon the performers will have to get waterproof gear and clothing if it rains and there's a bit of wind-far to high and narrow-I could be wrong...........

Anonymous said...

could anyone tell me where the old sound shell is? I have an idea for it's use! Why not re-erect(resurrect?)it in the park that lies between Stratford and Freshwater right at the back facing the rain forest. It could be used for regular weekend performances-live music,school plays,poetry readings and the like. This suburban venue could serve as a catalyst for community gatherings in turn fostering closer ties between neighbours-and the locals could walk to and from and leave the car at home!

Anonymous said...

well, I totally disagreed with removing the old stage and grassed area, but it was a fait accompli.

i was at first against the new toadstool - but in looking at it a few times I know think it is brilliant - it is a complete change from the normal concrete monstrosity, the view through it is great, the breeze will be good - and it is kind off so original etc, that I think it is a real winner.

keith holloways beach

Anonymous said...

A couple of facts for you, Michael.

1. City Place was designed and contracts were let in the days of previous Labour Mayor, Tom Pyne.

2. Ask Val what she thinks of that god-awful toadstool because it was conceived by her no 1 architect, Mark Buttrose, who by the way, was the principal designer of that other god-awful building, Cairns City Council Chambers.

Hey, but why let the facts get in the way when "it's all Kev's fault"

Anonymous said...

The CBD is going downhill. Hav eyou seen the roller doors on the Esplande? I see Johno busking there as there are no shops.
Are the rooler doors there to stay?
I'll bet the shops on the Nard are pissed off.... typical of Unity Council decisions