Following today's rally in Port Douglas, Labor leader Kevin Rudd said he will look at the council forced amalgamations
The plan to cut Queensland's 156 councils in half, has met with angry response from all over the State.
"I'll be looking very carefully at the recommendations for, not just the Sunshine Coast and not just Noosa, but right across this state.''
"The best pathway forward if there is to be amalgamations, is for them to be voluntary.
"Secondly, I've always said that when it comes to achieving economies between local authorities, that's best done by shires pooling together, either through voluntary amalgamation or through the common purchase of key and critical infrastructure services.''
Kevin Rudd needs to do more than LOOK.
If he gains Government we need the Commonwealth to recognize Councils with Legislation. The FIRST line of Government is the grass roots of the people, and the Councils are just that. Our Health System and infrastructure must be in our own hands.
I agree that some efficiency gains are worthwhile by pooling resources and having co-operation between regional councils. Good one , Kevin. But no point having another politician making promises to keep up with polical rhetoric just before an election. Beattie is good at that game too, Kevin. Why not get in there and tell your State Labor Leader to show some bloody respect ALL YEAR ROUND to the people who elect you. We don't want super-bureacracies and lose community identity and representation just to save a dollar.NO WAY PETE!!
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