18 teams vied for the prizes from micro-chipping your pets from Balaclava Vet, to Steven Nowakowski's stunning book on Hinchinbrook, all in the aid of supporting the new team running for Council in March next year.
"It was a very successful and fun evening" said Val Schier.
"The Cairns 1st team relies on grassroots support from the community. We don't have big business giving us huge amounts of money, but we still need to pay for advertisements in the paper and on the TV to get our message out" she said.
"Anyone who has some fundraising ideas are most welcome to contribute" Val said. "Please get in touch!"
The winning team name went to The Bynre-out Team. However the winning team on points was the Senalorlus Supremes. Notable mentions must go to Johnos's Fan Club, Pyne Forest, and Tony and the Tootsies.

1 comment:
Sheeeesh, you were quick off the mark with the piccies!!! Yep, it was a good night at the Trivia.
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