The 43mt Captain James Cook statue, sited on the former Captain Cook Backpacker's property on Sheridan Street, has been the subject of lengthy debate over the last year. However, since it's construction in the mid 70s, he's got rather worn, and is well overdue for a paint and scrub up.
Despite numerous suggestions to relocate him to Cooktown; the Esplanade, JCU Uni, and even Kier Shorey's home as a garden gnome (everything's big there, except his ego), nothing took off and no one came forward or backed up their Ute.
Enter the lads from PMS! (well, you know what I mean)

Mark Flanagan, Manager of PMS (is this company's name a marketing dream or what?) told me today that they, along with a number of other local firms, have donated their time, skills, paid and scrubing brushes, to give the 'ol Captain a short-back-and-sides. He will be screened off from public view, while the work is carried out, probably to cover his willie while it's all cleaned up.
"We're planning on a breakie next Wednesday morning to unveil Cook and reveal him to the town." 103.5 Hot FM will be there to host the breakfast.
"We just want to give him a bit of love," says Mark of PMS (just wanted to say that again). "Whoever the new owners of the property are, they may think about keeping him if he looks more presentably."
"Regardless of what people think about this statue, after 40 years, he's an iconic landmark in Cairns, and we thought we'd do our bit to give him a few more years life."
God save the Queen. And all that.
ABC Audio:
Captain James Cook is facing uncertain future. Nicholas Kittel
Real Broadband or Real Dialup
Thank heavens someone is fixing Capt Cook. He has looked sad and neglected for too long, cant wait to see the reno !
Hey, this story was in The Cairns Post today... so you bet them to the story by a day!!
YAy for online blogging and journalism! Also, your report was way more relaxed and fun.
Hope you guy(s) continue to bring us stuff what we wanna hear before other media!
Cheers, and keep up the good work.
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