Tuesday, 14 August 2007

I'm having a Recovery party!

You know, when you hit middle age, whatever that is, your body starts to do weird things from time to time, without your control.

Well.. my Sciatic nerve awoke at 6pm on Sunday night and kept me awake all night long. As any reader will attest who's had grief from this area of your lower back, it's the worst pain imaginable. Come 6:30am on Monday, I'd had enough and clambered for my VoIP phone and telephoned triple zero.

Thanks to Jon and James, the local Ambos, I received some prompt attention and a nice ride direct to CBH as they intoxicated me with an inhaler painkiller that was desperately needed.

Anyway.. I'm back home in recovery mode. Appointments with the Doc and the Physio lined up and hopefully my left wing armory will still be intact and ready to fight again.

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