The Cairns Base Hospital gave Geoff a printed card with the number "07 4222 4784"
"I rang the number called and got a message... 'we advise that the number you have called has been disconnected,' " Geoff told CairnsBlog.
I wonder why Queensland Health and the Cairns Base Hospital publish an incorrect number for booking of medications at the new clinic? Or have they not paid their bill?
The pharmacy at the new site, unlike the one at the CBH, is open only after 1pm, currently can't accept cash (only Eftpos), and their phone number is at present only a mobile. Great service, eh?
Congratulations, I understand this particular Cairnsblog post drew a direct Ministerial enquiry on Friday to CBH!
Sadly, Ministerial responsibility went lacking at the expense of dedicated staff at CBH.
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