Alan is away in China from today for two weeks, courtesy of the Cairns ratepayer, so he must have his supporters - Niki and Robin, Marilyn and Larry, working overtime.
- Sassy said...
Michael Moore a crime has been committed.....
whats your defence on that? bet you dont post this
- "You are a tosser as you have deleted what I actually wrote and put your own words in it just like the photos hey mike
Hey MG
I am with you.I posted a crime stoppers topic about mike which he didnt like so he edited it and rewrote it for his own purpose.
whats new mikey babey
gotcha mike comes to mind
my post wasnt even posted with what I wrote other than 'bet you dont post this lol'
maybe its time to start a michael moore and the great untruths blog with photos and links to his crimes
Sassy, it might be alright on your planet to broadcast baseless accusation of criminal behaviour against people you don't like.
here, someone alleging criminal behaviour go to the Police and make a complaint.
Have you done that yet, or are you just a bag of stale fart?
It can't be bestiality because that's not a crime in NZ and there have been no crimestopper reports of bleating sheep at Yorkey's!? OMG, MM hasn't had an abortion has he?
There are other things that should be crimes but are not there in any criminal code! These include singing badly in the shower, instant coffee, and being a friend of Kevin Byrne. Could it be one of these?
chris forsberg wonders:
The reported current absence of Cnr. Blake in CHINA is intriguing...
Cairns City/Regional councillors would appear to rate China as their
preferred 'junket' destination.
Mayor Kevin Byrne in his time (and
still), Sno Bonneau, Annette Sheppard in her time -
off-to-China at every opportunity.
It is true that this rapidly developing mega-country is a
potential source of free-spending
visitors for our beleagured - well,
buggered, tourist industry....
so you would have to hope that
these junketeers are promoting
tourism throughout their trips.
Cairns does has a 'sister city'
somewhere in China - although
councillors not on the China
circuit would be hard-pressed to
tell you this sister city's name
- even if they could pronounce it.
The sister city's set-up is worthy
of some form of review: Cairns has
several, including one in PNG, one
in Japan and one in the USA -
Scottsdale Arizona. And others.
The value of sister cities is difficult to ascertain - Scottsdale
was one of Cairns first, and then
mayor Keith Goodwin at least scored
a plane-load of Arizonans as return-visitors, after his junket
At that time, Cairns had direct air
connections to Honolulu (Continental Airlines & Air Nuigini) - as Cairns overseas flight connections are not as comprehensive now as then, the
tourist-producing potential of
'sister cities' has been somewhat
Might be timely for our city 'fathers' - and our city sisters - to take a good look at
the sister-cities arrangements -
and let us long-suffering rate payers know who is going where,
for what reason - and who is
paying for the ride.
chris forsberg bayview heights
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