Colin Riddell, Ross Parisi, Wendy Richardson, Vic Black,
Jono Black, Louise and Jake Roberston.
It not every night that you get to go out sit on the same seat as Kevin Byrne and John Mackenzie. Well that is just what we did when we ended up at Villa Romana.
You could tell that Macca and KB had been there only moments before us, the seats were still warm, and there was lippy on the wine glasses.
The occasion was to plot for an upcoming political overthrow. And what an illustrious mob we were. A mix of LNP left-overs, a couple of independents and the odd swinger.
Colin is a regular Cairns Post letter writer from Edmonton, and comes with a colour history before arriving in the tropical north. He has run for the federal seat of Indi, following his campaign to save the Australian Defence Industry factory Benalla.
There was former Mulgrave Councillor Ross Parisi; Barron River's LNP candidate, Wendy-I- won-on-primary-Richardson; Vic Black and his Barista son, Jono; and Louise with her legal hubby Jake Roberston, who never accesses CairnsBlog at the office.
Cleverly, and as usual, I avoided being in the photo, for legal reasons.
Heck Mike I am tarnished forever KBs seat MACCAS favorite table ,UNsuccessful libs ,EX councillor, And cairns most talked about blogger takes my picture ! pretty funny hhaaaa
I thought you guys had better taste than that!
As long as Macca's rug wasn't left behind under the table and there were no stray hairs hanging around in the chilli mussels? Where was Quickie he has been at the last few LNP dinners noted down at The Pier?
Genuine Italian afficionado's would be better advised to follow your previous outing down Grafton St to the decently honest for value Il Collosseo!
Although I think Villa plays a role in this town beacause at least we know where the wankers can always be found and avoided! Which is interesting because the most prominent luncher there is no longer KB (no more freebies?) but Peter Sandercock? Oh, and of course Reno Nicastro!
I prefer the establishment upstairs.
Hey Mike!
The Villa website link you have given seems to be a bit out of date as it refers to "Paul and his chefs".
Ummm, Paul is Georges brother and left to start Del Sapore further along the Esplanade which as I understand was funded by George who then pulled the funding? Something of a family tiff here it seems? But thats just conjecture and I don't know!
Also conjecture are previous accusations that patrons at what was Yanni's at the time when it was owned by George's family noted when dining late strange banging sounds from the roof? How odd!
I believe George has previously been a contributor to the KB Mayor campaigns and it is understood maintains the distinctly un-modern business practice of a well cashed safe? But thats just conjecture?
if you think this all interesting and relevant (I fail to see why), then why don't you just ring George and find out?
Whatever you think of George or his restaurant, he doesn't like bullshit and I found him straight down the line (unlike many others in the hospitality trade).
And, sure, he's a business man, and in that light I can fully understand why he would have had an interest in having good relations with Macca and the mayor.
He's carved out a niche with Villa and it seems to work for him.
If anything, I think many hospitality operators are jealous of him and therefore bag and gossip about George.
As for the restaurant...personally, I don't think the food is particularly good (definitely not good value), and the service disorganised and below average. For these reasons I don't understand why so many people dine there, and I wonder if it is 'the thing to do' or the 'place to be seen'.
If it was purely because of lack of inspiration I would recommend your KitchenSlut blog - plenty of gems to be found on there.
P.S. - in case you wondered, I am not related to George, nor am I his friend. But I have had dealings with him personally in the past. Have you?
What is it with the phrase 'LNP Barron River Candidate'? Has the LNP already pre-selected its candidates for 2012? Vic Black is not referred to in the same way. LNP leftovers is more to the point. While we cannot hope for unbiased reporting at least try to be accurate.
Hmm, just what was this nefarious group talking about? Noel Brigg's favorite investigator? The big bucks to be made from having 1,ooo horny US marines in Cairns each month?
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