Friday, 15 May 2009

Things are going up in QLD's sex trade

The Government's $42 billion bonus package has proven more stimulating than expected, according to a report in the Brisbane Times.

Queensland brothels say that the cash handouts are making all things rise in their business.

Rachel Love, of the Gold Coast's Pentagon Grand, say many are using their $900 bonus for her services.

"Around Christmas time with the first government injection we got, our figures went sky-high... and then in the last few weeks the numbers have just gone up and up," Love said.

She has had a 27% increase over the last three weeks.

'How much bang can you get for your $900 stimulus buck?', asks the Brisbane Times. An hour in the penthouse suite or booking a couple of girls at Pentagon would cover that.

"A lot of people have been coming in and saying `this one's on Kevin'."


Noj Nedlaw said...

Does any blogger have any information as to whether the local sex industry has been similarly stimulated?

Or a blogger who is willing, in the interest of getting the hard statiscal numbers of course, to sacrifice their $900 and indeed have one on Kevin?

nocturnal congress said...

This "news" item is patently fake. Some Gavin King clone sitting in a newsroom somewhere with one hand down his daks has dreamed this pathetic furphy up. The type of wanker who would never write of the struggling families who were glad to get the tax bonus, or the pensioners who desperately needed their Christmas bonus last year.

S. Northy said...

I agree, nocturnal. This type of false commentary is in the same vein as "teenage girls are all getting pregnant for the baby bonus!" and "pensioners all spent their Christmas bonus on the pokies!". It is deliberately demeaning and insulting to low income earners and infers that low income earners are half wits, gambling addicts and immoral.
Was it written by Gavin King? It sounds like his style.

Noj Nedlaw said...

But is it fake?

All the brothels mentioned do exist - just check out the list the website

Plus a whitepages search ties in the the surnames of people mentioned in the locality where the brothels are.

But I note that whilst Townsville and Mt Isa are listed, there are no listing for any licensed brothels in Cairns.

Townsville is listed but not Cairns. Can this be allowed? Where is our civic pride?

Oh well is to late at night for a real rant.

nocturnal congress said...

There you go Noj. Easy to get a few facts isn't it? You got the names of some brothels, and with a bit of imagination you can dream up a hooker's name, ie Candy Loveday; Joyleen Honeywell. Then string it all together and put a good punchline at the bottomm sticking it into Kev.

Syd Walker said...

This story sounds like an extract from the New Testament. (Pharisees sneer when decent Christians share spare cash with fallen women...)

Alison Alloway said...

ROFL Syd, you can bet this little piece of hideous propaganda will be used as "research" and "evidence" when Centrelink outsources its welfare business to corporations such as WalMart. (When, no doubt we will all be told that this is the wonderful culmination of our participation in "coalition of the willing" when we were so warmly rewarded with the American Free Trade Act. And what an "exciting" concept that our taxpayers monies will go to American corporations to decide how to provide for our poor and needy.) Unfortunately, this scenario is no longer a fantasy when you look at the continuing development of corporate values and thinking within Centrelink.