Sunday 31 May 2009

Nitschke thanks JCU Cairns students

The offer from the James Cook University Student Association to host the euthanasia public meeting and workshop in Cairns, was welcomed today by Exit Director, Dr Philip Nitschke, following a story in CairnsBlog on Saturday.

Speaking from Townsville, Dr Nitschke of Exit International, he relieved that there had been an alternative venue made available after the last minute decision by Cairns City Council to cancel the planned event at the Cairns City Library.

"The late decision by the Cairns Regional Council library, had threatened the event and would have been a blow to free speech and the need for open debate on this important issue, Dr Nitschke said. "Exit was grateful for the offer of an alternative venue by Janine Aitken, Education Officer of the Student Association."

Dr Nitschke said the incident was similar to the events that had taken place in Mackay where there had been a last minute decision to cancel the venue that had been booked. In this case it was the Central Queensland University Mackay campus who had come forward with an alternative venue.

“Once again we have the important issue of free speech and open debate on contentious issues being threatened by decisions to close venues - it is now thanks to the James Cook University Student Association that this issue will receive the open debate it deserves. We particularly welcome the interest shown by the younger generation in the euthanasia debate.

Dr Nitschke said the public meeting would now start at 11.30am Monday morning, in the refectory of the James Cook University, Smithfield campus..

“I will put the proposition that is makes sense for elderly and sick Australians to develop a practical strategy so they can reliably end their lives at the time of their choosing. Those who agree with me will be invited to a closed session to discuss the practicalities of such a plan that will follow on from the public meeting,” Dr Nitschke said.


dave s said...

hi michael
i am a supporter of voluntary euthanasia and went to phillip nitschke's public and closed session at jcu today (01jun09).
if i had known how adult , informative and engrossing it was
going to be i would have gone to a lot of trouble dragging everyone i could find to come with me .
you don't have to agree with what he says but i think everyone needs to know about end of life choices. it really is too late to think about it when you are sick and just about dead anyway.
i am grateful to cairnsblog and jcu .
dave s

Janine Aitken said...

Hi Mike,

Over 100 people from all walks of life and all ages came to the public lecture today. Ironically the figure would have likely been lower (probably around 70) if the lecture had have been held at the library. There were no security issues, and the crowd were respectful, there were even a few pro-life and quite a few Christians.

Paul said...

well thanks Janine, not only are you blessed with political hindsight, you can also tell a Christian from a non ... well, white of you.

Over 100 people? My word! I guess after that we could all head off to the JCU cafe and have a cup of dreadlock java followed by a round of my shoes don't define me lesbian book readings. ffs...

bollocks, .. it's all bollocks.