Friday, 22 May 2009

Kevin Bryne turned things around

Thanks to Benj, a regular CairnsBlog reader, and ex-Cairns local of 30 years, now in Rockhampton, I bring you Kevin Byrne's election advertisement when he was running for the National Party in 1989.

20 years ago, we all looked a whole lot better. 20 years ago, our former Cairns City Council Mayor, Kevin Byrne, looked like a freshman out of college. I think even Kev will love seeing this again.

I love the look on KB's face at his desk. Watch as he changes his expression, with an instant smile as he picks up the phone.

The jingle was sung by K Durant from Brisbane:-

  • "We all know how bad things are,
    The Labor man didn't take us far.
    But Kevin Byrne will turn things around,
    Cut public spending,
    Bring interest rates down,
    He's a National Man
    And he's strong under fire,
    He means what he says,
    He's a man to admire,
    Kevin Bryne,
    For the thought of now."



Jan from Kewarra said...

This is pure GOLD!

Bryan Law said...

I'd vote for him. Who could have predicted the wreck he would become?

Old digger of Brinsmead said...

Poor ol' Kev, it's all in the timing. More recently, he could have taken the leadership from Springboard (though still lost the election!). Now, nothing but dreams of past glories and missed opportunities. It's all your fault Val ...