There's only one winner. We all know that.
There will be political fallout come August 21st.
Maybe this job, advertised today by Cairns Regional Council, could be just the thing?
Positives - it's in the dead centre of town; customers won't talk back to you; beautiful and riverside parkland office location, when you come across problem 'holes' - you can look into them for hours on end; it's a Council job.
Negatives - You get to play on big machines; there's possible invitations to loads of after-functions; lots of lonely singles hanging around to get telephone numbers from; it's a Council job.
I hope all the union members angry labor federal that said not one word about Anna sly bligh sold off their jobs and our 16billion dollars of assets see this is where your union dues are going.
A DISPUTE over a $500,000 union donation to the ALP is headed for the Federal Court next week in a blow to Labor's efforts to place the election focus on Tony Abbott. The Communications, Electrical and Plumbing Union handed over the money yesterday after a personal plea from ALP secretary Karl Bitar for more cash to boost the party's faltering election campaign.
Wow, this has BLAKE written all over it!!! And he can keep both jobs just like he always does
Oh Christ, midnight rider, I thought I was gonna have another heart attack then, I laughed so much. It's Blakey's job description to a "T".......
Then again, looking at Entsch last night and seeing the tell-tale signs of high blood pressure, loads of flesh, huge stomach......
Definitely not a job for Entsch. The member for CEC is a dead man walking. Even if he wins Leichardt, there is so much sludge pumping around the arteries of his fat torso, I doubt he'll last the term.
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