Thursday, 26 August 2010

Would the real Warren stand up, you Twit

About bloody time. Or so I thought.

Some anti-Entschy has set up a fake Twitter profile for Warren Entsch, MP Elect for Leichhardt.

Now there's nothing wrong with putting up a fake profile, and often these are done with great humour. However there is a respected convention to disclose the fact a profile is not real, otherwise it is in breach of the terms of use and is deemed impersonation.

The profile appears to be set up in the last 24 hours, with an introduction that reads...
  • "I spent more that [sic] $200,000 traveling [sic] the world in my last term in Parliament. Now I'm back to do it all again! Read of adventures, bombasity [sic] & broken promises."
It is strikingly similar to words and tone used on the official Cairns Labor Twitter profile.

Here's some recent Tweets...
  • if the taxpayer will pay for it I'm up for it! You know I love to travel on the taxpayers dime!

  • Ah my lies to the Sikh community have been exposed on today's Cairns Post. Told em the highway will destroy their temple. They fell for it!

  • So when and where should my next Parliamentary overseas "exchange" be? Thoughts people?

  • Told the Cairns Post that my first priority is to get a new office cos I don't like Turnour's. I did say I ran for my ego.

  • Looking forward to returning to Canberra. Not happy about all the attention Katter is getting
Former MP Jim Turnour was an active social media participant, and used Twitter over the last year to connect with an online social networking audience. In the run up to the election, I showed how Jim's tweets put some egg on his face, following a goofed message. A year ago, we had a discussion on CairnsBlog about a fake Cairns Council and CairnsBlog Twitter accounts.

One of Jim's last "tweets" on Monday morning said thanks: "[I] want to tell people what an honour it has been to serve and say thank you.."

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and in this case, I'm not quite sure.


Leuco Gaster said...

Come off it, Mike - anything from "official Cairns Labor" is hardly likely to be full of spelling errors. That's more your style.
Pretty funny though! Not that it'll bother Warren - he knows that any publicity is good publicity.
Pretty funny watching Abbott huff and puff too - I suspected he wouldn't be able to maintain the calm demeanour for long.

JKR said...

I feel a little sorry for them really.

Tom said...

Mmm, sound like it could be the real one being candid

Kate said...

They just stoop to new lows. The taxpayer is paying for that nonsense as well. Talk about disregard for our money, but then we saw stark evidence of that with the public housing overspend in Palm Cove and Bluewater.
Boy they really have sour grapes. I hope Jim realises that he should have worked for the people NOT the Party. That's what it is all about.

Hingehead said...

Kate, the taxpayer is paying for a twitter account? Looks like we're getting nothing for nothing. Which is an improvement on nothing for something. Which is where we are now.

Kate said...

We are still paying Turnours staff for working on that rubbish, which I think is a waste of taxpayers money. I wonder if Jim is going to the office every day???? Judging by his website he has packed his bags and moved out!!!! He is still the sitting member for 2 weeks after the Election.

"Hingehead" - that says it all!!

Leuco Gaster said...

Hingehead & Kate - are you seriously suggesting that the fake Warren Entsch twitter account is run by Jim's staff at public expense? You've got to be joking - that would be completely illegal. From my (brief) contact with Jim, he is very disappointed but copping it sweet, as you'd expect from someone with real personal integrity. The paranoid, hysterical nonsense you are pushing is typical of the Fiberal's propaganda machine.

Thaddeus said...

Hehehe Leuco, propaganda, propaganda... I was remembering Entsch's solemn parroting of Howard's line about Saddam's "weapons of mass destruction" back in 2003 on the Mackenzie show. He was faithfully regurgitating it all up, about the time that Andrew Wilkie (now a newly elected MP) was telling the world it was all bullshit.