Thursday, 19 August 2010

Angry Anderson: Fed up with Labor


Paul Christie said...

sold out.. stupid add....

Nicky Martinovic said...

Angry who?

Morgan James Davies said...

Angry? He was the lead singer of 'Rose Tattoo'. One of the nicest blokes you could ever have as a friend. He helps out on DOZENS of charity drives..and he was a good neighbour in Collaroy too.

Jo O'Conor said...

What other choice are you going to make then Angry? Surely your not voting for that heartless brainless shifty little bloke in speedos? Surely not! Go greens then mate

Morgan James Davies said...

Greens? Mwahahahahah! Those backwards-thinking braindead morons couldn't run a choko vine over an outdoor dunny. They're taking advice from the American lunatic fringe named PEW who want to close of another 30% of the waters around Queensland to fishermen, and close off the ENTIRE Coral Sea! Yep; let's throw another thousand or more people onto the dole queue, and let's import more rubbish seafood from 'Nam and Africa.

Bryan Law said...

Angry is an authentic working class voice, and he nails Labor.

You middle class dregs out there (ALP lackeys and stooges) listen up. It'll do you good.

Growl said...

A vote for the Greens is a vote for labour.That's why we have the worlds worst State politician in Steve Whetenhaul.The Greens are an absolute disgrace and have no economic credibility, concern for jobs or the agricultural sector of Australia.
Angry Anderson is a great Australian and he feels strongly enough about a real issue affecting his area to speak up irrespective of political following.
None of us should have to wait every three years to get a bribe, i mean promise from pathetic Politicians who just want to slide their way back into power.

Morgan James Davies said...

Let me guess; you're a rabid greenie.

Paul Drabble said...

all i have to say about the greens is "ETS"..look at New Zealand and see what it is doing to there economy & people...all an ETS will do is keep multi national forestry companies in money...will do nothing for the enviroment..but the greens will continue down the path hand in hand with labor to get the ETS in here...

Syd Walker said...

Paul Christie's is a voice I'd like to hear in Parliament.

He's like a cross between the thinking man's Paul Keating and an enlightened Wilson Tuckey.

Go Paul!

Paul Christie said...

Let me guess your a rabid selfish right wing corporate puppy dog..wake up and smell the death and destruction that drips off the fingers of your political and corporate heros

Paul Christie said...

ok enough insults its obviously not your forte... so back on the topic you raised... instead of protecting fisheries with Marine Parks to support a restocking of the oceans and a stabilizing of diversity, since we have lost almost 90% of the big fish in the sea and a huge amount of species... what are your ideas to make sure we have a functioning Ocean ecology for the generations that follow.

Morgan James Davies said...

Ninety percent is the ludicrous figure flaunted in the face of logic by that tragic twerp Bob Brown. Of course, he's full of it as per usual.

"Data published by Queensland Fisheries indicates that snapper populations in SE Queensland are estimated to have reached a trigger point of less than 40 per cent of the virgin biomass. This means more focused management arrangements will be needed. Fair enough. I'm sure Queensland Fisheries has the job in hand. But this scientific data doesn't support Senator Brown's claims for 30 per cent of Australia's coast to be closed to fishing.

So where does Senator Brown get off in claiming that 90 per cent of snapper have been fished out?

Senator Brown's wildly exaggerated claims in this regard should be seen as nothing more than inaccurate political bullets being used as ammo in the Greens' current election campaign to ban Australian anglers from wetting a line.

By embarking on this sort of campaign tactic, Senator Brown seems to be indicating that he has no issue with using dodgy data in an attempt to win votes. His sensationalist claim that "we've lost 90 per cent of snapper stocks" shows that he's even prepared to lie in order to achieve his political goals.

Senator Brown should immediately apologise to the Australian public for making these spurious and unsubstantiated claims."

I rest my case. A volte for labor or the lunatic fringe is a giant step backwards.

Paul Christie said...

your argument is so weak is why.
First your only point of argument is an out of context misguided reframing of a statement by Bob brown's statement which was in totality "We have lost 90 per cent of the great fishes including marlin, tuna and snapper" .....

This 90% is large and dose sound a tad dramatic... hey its politics your liberal friends play the game of drama in politics better than any..

The state of our oceans demands some serious attention and sacrifice from us the species humans you and me

(whether you like it, believe it or not our species survival lies in the continued functioning environmental experience going on on this planet called Earth...that means a healthy functional circular flowing ecosystem...did you learn about that in school old man)

Humans have been raping and pillaging its ecology in a rapid and growing fashion that has out paced the capacity for the oceans to be able to maintain itself in a state of health rather than continue to get worse and worse more and more fragile

If you are a local rec fisherman you will know that fish stocks across the coast are dramatically depleted since 50 years ago. gee I wonder why.......maybe because when grandad was young there were only about 20% of the population and there were not blokes going out in tinnies and grabbing whole freezers full of fish...

The Marine park of the coral Sea is 100km of shore...
i am sure close to 90% of local fisherman dont go out that far...The Marine PArks are designed to stop the encroaching corporate Fleets of the US and Japan from taking huge numbers of fish from our waters...because their current fishing grounds are drying up fast....

So do u have any idea what would happen if we lost the top feeders of an ecosystem the Size of the Ocean...add a massive dose oftoxic chemicals and mounds of rubbish the size of Texas floating around....

When would you step in and how.....

The Australian Greens are just trying to get Australia to do its bit of restoring the Ocean to its former Glory.... How would you do it....

I would call some one a lunatic if they were taking more than was being replaced out of their life energy...
not some ones who is thinking maybe we should find another way.

Morgan James Davies said...


Go and dribble your nonsense to someone who might believe your line of bullshittery and self-indulgent waffle.

Paul Christie said...

ARE you SERIOUS YOU selfish twisted greedy ignorant arrogant OLD FOOL.. I just showed you scientific Journals that stated that we have lost 90% of big fish in the ocean and asked you what you would do about it and you yawn....
Many species have become extinct because of human destruction of their natural environments. Indeed, current rates of human-induced extinctions are estimated to be about 1,000 times greater than past natural (background) rates of extinction, leading some scientists to call modern times the sixth mass extinction. This high extinction rate is largely due to the exponential growth in human numbers: from about 1 billion in 1850, the world’s population reached 2 billion in 1930 and more than 6 billion in 2000, and it is expected to reach about 10 billion by 2050.

I hope you and your greedy good for nothing tired grumpy old fools just die off so we can get started cleaning up the mess you have left us.

again what would you do about it.

I wonder what your grankids would say about your atitude when they find out you were one of those fools that had kept trying to stop humanity do something meaningful towards repairing the damage we have reaped onto this planet..

your the insane geriatric old fool .... lunatic are way past being a lunatic

Thaddeus said...

The Greens will control the Senate after Saturday night. The LNP have smashed Labor at the expense of a surge of votes to the Greens. Let's all sing.."So happy is the weather?"

nocturnal congress said...

And thank GOD Australia is going GREEN! The Libs will hold the House of Representatives, but the real power is in the Senate. The Libs will soon realise this and shut their gobs up. We are set for a new dawning, a new age of Aquarius and we will lead the world on green policies!! Australia will become a shining beacon of 21st century progressiveness and responsibility to Mother Earth. We will show the world the way.

Reef Cassowary said...

Take a look at this for a taste of the sort sloppy number flinging, map redrawing and alarmism going on.


Morgan. As far as I know, Bob Brown mentioned the well known, and still valid, 90% figure (Worm et al) in relation to global tuna, marlin and other large ocean fish. Lumping in the Snapper with the quote may, or may not have been advisable. I've not heard the original and seen enough versions of the quote to be hoping someone can post a link to the original source.

Local realist said...

Nocturnal congress, what drugs are you on? Progressiveness is just another bullshit term used by extreme left wing loonies....just like "cultural precinct". Increasingly, society is being dictated to by egotistical trendies, who purport to be so much more intelligent than the rest of us, and unfortunately, the squeaky wheel seems to get the oil, so to speak. Can't we all just get along, without this pretentious garbage?

Reef Cassowary said...

Some conservation groups and many marine scientists are calling for no-fishing zones to cover up to 30% of waters under Australian control. That would include 20-30%of State waters (within 5.5km of the coastline) and 20-30% of Commonwealth waters (beyond 3 nm [5.5km] from the coastline, out to the limit of Australia's Exclusive Economic Zone, 200nm). The maximum likely area for recreational fishing restrictions around Australia's coastal waters would probably look similar to the current Great Barrier Reef Marine Park arrangements. Many fishos and professionals will 'privately' acknowledge that the fish stocks are in a better state now, and that there are other more pressing issues regarding fisheries than the green zones (net fisheries, pollution, habitat loss... etc). The way it all unfolded still has some ill feeling attached, and this is probably the greatest gripe. Don't be frightened by the tales of packing up the tinnie, but look at the tropical coast and think about it.

nocturnal congress said...

There's nothing pretentious about saving the planet mate, and calling them "extreme left loonies" doesn't gell with the public. The Greens are the moderate party as everyone knows.

Morgan James Davies said...

Careful Reefie, or you'll incur the wrath of the hairy-armpitted tre-hugging braindead ferals who infest our cities and live on the dole. Here's a link to Mr. Know-nothing Bob Brown stating on camera his HUGE blunder.

Reef Cassowary said...

Morgan: That source is aready being threatened with legal action from Bob for misrepreseting that quote. Still would like to see the original quote source. I can't find it, only fisho blogs with various versions. Did u have a look at the link I posted?

Morgan James Davies said...

I certainly did read and peruse your link; most edifying. I passed it on to several freinds wiith common interests.

Brown will find it tough to get any legal reparation; after all, the truth is a perfect defence, especially with a video to back up their claims!

Reef Cassowary said...

Morgan, Apologies, didn't see it in the video before. Yes he did combine two issue in the one sentence. Not a tight sound bight and I'm sure he wish he put a qualifier on the snapper bit (is %60 reduction in snapper?). But looking overall, the Fishing party has been outrageously misleading and loose with the truth. Mansfield claiming a billion dollar tuna industry in the coral sea, with no environmental impact is absurd beyond words. Not to mention the incredible misrepresentation via the maps. cheers