Saturday, 28 August 2010

A Saturday walk up the Blue Arrow

Thanks to CairnsBlog reader Luke, here's a panoramic photo he snapped on the Blue Arrow this afternoon.

(Click the image for a large version)

The Blue, and adjoining Red Arrow walk, is part of the Mt Whitfield Conservation Park, covers 300 hectares of forested mountain range, up to 365 metres above sea level. Luke's photo overlooks the airport and the coastline. Both walks commence from Collins Avenue, just along from the Tanks entrance.

The Red Arrow walk ends up the communications tower on Mt Lumley Hill at 325 metres, where you'll enjoy a spectacular view along the coast to the north of Cairns, and unmatched mobile phone reception. The walk, traverses rainforest, open woodlands and creek crossings, and you'll probably spot Australian brush-turkeys, wallabies, snakes, and other wildlife. If you're extra lucky, you may even see one of the notorious flashers, renown to frequent the tracks.
  • Red Arrow circuit
    1.3km - approx 1-hour return. Forested, some steep sections, two open viewing areas overlooking Cairns City and north towards the Airport.

  • Blue Arrow circuit
    5.4km approx 3 hours return - slow walkers allow longer. Rugged bush track with steep climbs. Map and info available from Botanic Gardens office at the Tanks. You should take drinking water.
Here's some other great walks around Cairns.


Bryan Outlaw said...

You forgot to point out that women and fruity men can expect to be groped and/or molested on these walks. It's a Cairns tradition.

James of Edgehill said...

It takes one to know one Mr Outlaw!

O'Bryan McOutlaw said...

No no, BO! Hundreds of normal, active Cairns people get their exercise on the Red Arrow walk with no sign of a pre-vert. You should try it sometime - a blow at the top, watching the aircraft come and go - the cackling of the scrub hens in the rainforest - the tunnel through the bamboo thicket (it makes great fishing poles, and bongs!) - the kids will love it.

williamsandrew said...

Mr McOutlaw, what is 'a blow at the top'? Lmao.

O'Bryan said...

Whoa, Willy! The double entendre was unintended, I promise. Blow - a rest to catch one's breath after a stiff ....climb.