Friday, 20 August 2010

CairnsBlog VIDEO: Steve Lane

Steve Lane is running as an independent for the Federal seat of Leichhardt.

He has been a serviceman, and worked for the Federal Police. Steve is currently an aircraft refueler.


Colin Riddell said...

Before you vote greens or labor think about why in over a year no contact in over 400 emails and phone calls for help

Paul Drabble said...

Colin I'll tell you our problem..Sugarworld is a classic example of how it works as at this day..Jim and Curtis say its a council issue..curtis supports us..but as its a council issue cant do much..Jim does least Curtis meets with me..where we discuss the GP super clinic..thats Jims area its a federal we go n to edmonton town centre..that ..thast state..curtis takes chunk of manns farm,,new edmonton town scentre going to get stalled as they redesign...
RED TAPE..holds this city back, along with a whole bunch of political turf wars & beaurcratic turf wars..
my hope is to end this crap and bang there head together and tell them they are working for this one district no matter what FKN party they in..Locals matter NOW..

Colin Riddell said...

curtis is a boy in a mans job end of story

Cameron Martin said...

Curtis must spend a lot of time organising his silver spoons. Never had a real job.

Chowesy (via YouTube) said...
