The event, that was to be held at the the ritzy Shangri La hotel, with a $20 a head price tag, has now been moved to Brothers Club on Anderson Street. The entry price has also been removed.
A statement from Bill Calderwood, chair of Advance Cairns, one of the organisers of the sole public debate for Leichhardt, says they needed to move it to a larger venue due to the "overwhelming response."
"As a result of unprecedented demand, the venue for the election debate at 5.30pm on Friday has been changed to Brothers Leagues Club," Cairns Forum spokesperson, Bill Calderwood said. “This switch will not only allow us to accommodate up to 500, but also allow us to offer free entry to all members of the community.”
Calderwood says the debate is expected to be lively with Melanie Wicks of the 20/20 Group appointed as moderator.
“We have heard from the national leaders and now is the chance to hear from our local candidates on the issues of importance to the region and how they intend to effectively represent us,” Melanie Wicks says.
However Jim Turnour's office received many calls of anger from members of the public, saying that those who wanted to attend, should not have to pay to attend the debate. It is understood that Turnour himself was very uncomfortable participating in an event that had an entry cost.
Good on Jim and the people who complained
Excellent - How about Questions at the end ... set up microphones in the aisles, for those who want to queue up and ask 1 question each.
:John:Babet Community Reformation Action Group (CRAG)
Gah, damn Mike and his diligent reporting! I had visions of seeing Syd standing hopefully by the door at Shang Ri La, collection tin in sweaty hand, scanning the horizon for the multitudes of whingers, while we were all happily ensconced at Brothers. A thousand poxes on your house, Mike.
I have to agree with syd on this one, with so much unemployment in the area, and people struggling to make ends meet, it is a great to see some one does care, and now this makes it available to everyone.
Around the corner from the clifton beach slums!
firstly i wonder why it was at the shangri la, then heard the price tag and thought will i get $20 worth of hot air.
jim would cancel for any reason he is crapping himself.
I'd reelect Jim anyday.
I think this is a great example of one of the candidates actually listening to the people. If 150 people called you and said they were disappointed in the price, wouldn't YOU change it? Besides, aren't they supposed to be lobbying us at this debate, not the other way around.
It seems all the major parties leaders think that the North Queensland electorate consist's only of the CBD of Cairns & Townsville..again suburban local families are ignored by leaders, there policies ignore the same suburban local families. Must be they think that only tourism operators, CBD businesses, advance cairns leaders are the only voters up here!!
Glad it';s free... now we'll get value for money!!!
I'd NEVER pay moneyy to see these two clown - clown it out for who is the better clown!!!
Better take some eggs fellas!!!!!!!!!!
Please don't let John Babet and Bryan Law in the same room... Should babet be chained to his roof still??
Nope, they just think that it's the job of the council to support the suburbs and it's their job to get the whole city moving again. No Federal Gov has ever done anything specifically for the suburbs.
Why is Jim debating the member for Townsville?
As if Labor would want to agree to a debate in the fucking Shangrila.
Entsch would have loved it in there. No riff raff to heckle uncomfortable questions about bird smuggling. Just a few tory mates and Today Tonight viewers worried about a Valcano.
Slim Jim vs "Action Man" i know who will be shitting. Read the front page of the Post today - Entsch is full of it....
Someone should ask The Stench how much "action" you can buy with nothing.
Never mind Jim doing over Warren in the debate. Tony "I love Townsvillle" Abbott has already bent over and reamed action man good and proper.
Oh yeah, and if the Tories get in, Wazza is going to fight for the money. The Clean living catholic prude Abbott can't stand the sight of the obese, womanising, uncouth former member.
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