Sunday, 1 August 2010

A quick solution to fix the Labor party leaks

Astute readers of Woman's Weekly which featured our glam Prime Minister, should have flipped a few pages past Julia Gillard's photo spread.

There on 175 is a nice product that is "near invisible and specifically designed for leakage."

There's even a free sample included.


MaryO said...

Ha, Ha, Very funny. Boom Boom.

Nicky Martinovic said...

Well with legal action in the wind it should be interesting...

MB said...

LOL I saw this on the Insiders this morning.
BTW Poise seem to have created a new syndrome - LBL or Light bladder leakage, what next?

KB:- ) said...

I hope JG managed to get a few free samples... looks like she might need some HBL before the election is over