Nicky Jurd writes on her Cairns Dining blog...
- Taste Paradise is the sparkly new brand promoting Far North Queensland produce. For some time debate has raged how best to encourage locals to purchase local produce, so the Taste Paradise brand was born to guide us in the right direction. It is anticipated local food will carry the logo in the near future, so look out for this colourful conglomerate.
To kick off the new brand in true FNQ style, Taste Paradise is hosting 18 events as part of Cairns Festival. That mammoth effort will be keeping organiser Nola Craig incredibly busy over the next coming weeks, but a huge congratulations should be extended to Nola for her success in securing both Ben O'Donoghue and Marion Grasby to take part in the Festival.
Two Cairns Festival events stand out as ones not to be missed! Download the list of all 18 foodie events.
Hey Nicky,
Not sure that the 'taste paradise' campaign is targeted so much at locals? I attended the workshops early this year and the objective I believe is to brand what we have as the premier tropical food region in the world?
The local influence was actually respected but not given due regard in outcomes!? In cultural context if we dont have our own food culture then why should we expect anybody else to appreciate it?
This is the link between local and tourist expectations? In the context of the current election I think Turnour has done more than Entsch on food tourism?
The current funding and direction is far more positive and broad based than the Entsch funding of Gallo in the previous guvmint!? Sorry but I have problems with this funding and the quality of the Gallo product for price?
By the way .... the slogan "taste paradise" was actually the suggestiopn of Charlie McKillop during the workshops .....
Absolutely useless and unreadable.
Cool animation but ZERO information.
This site really sucks.
KitchenSlut, thanks for comment about Bolt on facebook. I regret I cannot access my facebook any more. Long story.
On the subject of food, I have just discovered a range of Aussie bush foods by "Outback Spirit." Made lemon myrtle chicken the other night, which was delicious.
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