Friday, 6 August 2010

Something fishy going on

This morning the Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party will launch Dr Michael Mansfield's bid for the Senate

"Support us in our fight against unfair green agendas," Michael Mansfiield says.

Marine biologist, Dr Walter Starke, and Professor Bob Carter, from James Cook University, will speak. Shirley Lyn will perform the party's theme song.
  • Pacific International Hotel, Mezzanine Level
    Friday 6th August at 10am
    Light refreshments provided (probably shark fin soup)
    Campaign office 4041 5001


Leigh Dall'Osto said...

Did you know that Andrew Turnour is launching his bid for Kennedy tommorow all day, in Ingham. They are going to paint the town RED!! All the supporters will don red and man the stalls, the bbq and the dinner, an all day street festival. Whether you are voting for him or not, you've got to love the way he kicks things off, much more entertaining than others.

Leigh Dall'Osto said...

‎(Morgan, he's not Jim's brother)

what climate change? said...

He may not be Jim's brother Leigh but your partisan tribal nonsensical barracking Leigh is becoming somewhat pathetic!

Forget the brother so who is Jim's sister again?

Chris Forsberg, Bayview Heights said...

Gee folks - I was kinda hoping that the posting re. Mike Mansfield's campaign launch for his Australian Fishing & Lifestyle Party Senate candidacy might attract a few blog-comments pertaining TO that topic...

But no, alas, just some chatter about Andrew Turnour (actually Jim's second cousin), more banter ascribed to or about these mysterious 'Morgans' and nothing too serious....

But Mike Mansfield is a serious candidate with a swag-full of serious issues, not least of which is the havoc the Green/Labor prefernce deal will create if the Green Brown wins control of the Senate...

Such dubious "green intiatives" as the Wilderness Zoning of Cape York and the Declaration of the Coral Sea as a no-fishing-allowed Marine
Park can only lead to thousands of job losses, business bankruptcies, displaced person suicides etc.

Mansfield IS a preservationist and a conservationist who takes a responsible view on sustainable
fishing and development practices - and he's perfectly correct to observe that environmentalism has become a new religion...

One that demands human sacrifices. Might I invite bloggers all to visit the A.F.& L.P. website

It would be NICE is any further blogged comments were actually relevant to the original item - and,
yes Morgan (James Davies), Katter is 'home and hosed' - but would have been so regardless of whom the A,L.P. and the LNP ran against him.