Today I received in my letterbox Councillor Paul Freebody's new election leaflet, along with a note.
I'm not in Paul's Division, so I appreciate the effort he went to to get it to me.
Hot of [sic] the Press! Be a good boy and post it up For Me.. Regards, Paul."
Hot of [sic] the Press! Be a good boy and post it up For Me.. Regards, Paul."
After his first attempt, this version is well-designed, and clearly shows that Paul's serious. About time.
After Kathy Plath and Paul put our their appalling leaflets a few weeks ago, then viciously defended them in the Cairns Post, it's nice to see that he has listened to someone.
I mean Paul, you have to admit, the first one was shit. It wasn't the printer's fault at all, as you claimed on WIN TV. It was an amateur effort and you and Kathy rightly deserved a big fat raspberry.
Paul did try to explain to me how the first brochure came about. We were in the foyer of the District Court. He was there defending his actions after allegedly defaming people, and I was there for the Court House Cafe sandwiches.
Paul went on about the printer had two versions and had been working all night long.. and.. well, I got confused as there was a bit of talent walking past. The point is, that there is only one person responsible for a leaflet, and that's the person that ordered it. This is the point that his opponent in Division 4, Cairns 1st's Kirsten Lesina was making.
Paul also has told me that he didn't request his WIN TV interview be withdrawn from our YouTube channel, however that's very hard to stomach. Who else would have requested such action?
Paul, where do I send the kiwifruits to?
thsi si a fnatistc peec of riting! i njoied it verri mush.
altho i dnot see uoyr probelm wiht Plau's frist fyler! IT waz fnasstic!
"Hot OF the press..." durrrrh,he still carn't spal rite..."
Hey Paul!
You realise that on your back page, your first sentence consists of 74 words?!? I nearly died trying to catch a breath at the end!
Good to see your F7 button is working though!
Freebody's TV commercials have, for his address at the end, "Level 2 Trillogy (sic) Building Cairns",
This can't be legal, can it?
I love the photo of Paul "showing visitors the Esplanade Lagoon" and there is no one in sight! In fact he is pretty much doing the solo gig in all the photos. I never seen all these venues so devoid of activity? Probably a reflection on the votes he'll get. Everyone must have either legged it when they saw him coming or were TOLD to move on by his master, Byrne!
First post!!! hahaha!
Go kthay!
Speaking of which, does Kathy even have a revised handout? I want to see it (I wonder if she's squatting again!)
Paul, LEARN to spell, puh-leeeeeeze! (Sigh!)
I received one of Paul Freebody's flyers in my letterbox, it had some nice images of places not even in his electorate. Seemed to me like he was taking credit for things he had nothing to do with, like the lagoon.
But the biggest worry was the word 'business' which was used a number of times. Is business something the local council should be involved with?
Doesn't the state & federal governments have ministries to handle 'business'?
Kevin Byrnes' trade missions to China have been a dismal failure, the only businesses which benefited from these trips was one school and a landscaping company.
There haven't been any reciprocating visits from any Chinese trade missions, I wonder why?
Going to book a seat for the next trip to China, Paul?
But who do you vote for?
Whinging Kirsten with her squeeky voice and jelly-like backbone?
Norman Miller, who, really is appearing on as many corflutes as Selwyn (wanker, no seriously, he is) Johston? I mean come on guys... It's not just like a drivers license you can just keep re-applying for! GO FOR STATE, oh crap. GO LOCAL... oh crap.. ok aim lower... TROLLEY BOY!!
Paul, illiterate and well, clumsy & hard to work for. It's a tough choice. I'm glad I dont live in Division 4. Either way you're gonna have a shitty representative.
gee, mohamed in a dress, Freebody's no homophobe but an openly gay man who is very proud of his sexuality!
Give Kirsten a fair go. Yep, she is young, but we need some fresh, young faces on the Council.
Who do you vote for?
Well you don't vote for some-one who is clearly corrupt, or for some-one who doesn't give a rats about the people in his division.
What has Freebody done in the last 3 years?
Name one thing.
Prince fruitbody must improve his spelling says King Boob
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