At 3.30 pm today mayoral candidate Kevin Byrne will be visited at his Council office by the spokesperson for the Cairns Ratepayers Action Group.
CRAG requests a statutory declaration that Mr Byrne declarations on the Cairns City Council's Register of Pecuniary Interests are correct.
This follows on from CRAG's public letter last week to Mr Byrne, requesting that he answer questions of public interest about his business and financial interests whilst Cairns mayor.
Kevin wasn't at his office and his right hand man John Hawkes, acting CEO, was supposedly in a meeting ...
No Statutory Declaration was available for me to collect ... if/until it emerges one can only assume KB is in breach of the Local Govt. Act ...
if it does emerge he will be in deeper yoghurt as he will be making a false declaration ... a comparison of his declarations doesn't tally with an ASIC report on his interests in a number of companies...
This is but the tip of a very dirty iceberg on which the SS Ti byrne ic will founder ..
Lets be transparent Mr Babet. No one else has ever heard or seen this mystical ratepayers association. Who does it include? You and your dog?
Or is it as amorphous as Mr Babet's website at
Good on you John Babet. You are doing Cairns the biggest favour possible by exposing the filth that is Kevin Byrne. Keep up the good work. We are hoping for the best result.
wealthy whinger says
Yes, I was one of the "wealthy whingers"d referred to by Mayor Byrne after complaining about $10,000 a year rate notice. It was CRAG who helped us whingers to get some substantial relief. We still pay the highest rates in Australia. Thank you CRAG and yes the Mayor should declare his interests before the election on Sat. Keep at it John !
$10,000 yearly rates! Sheeeeesh, sheeeeesh...
Would it be possible to obtain a formal request from Tim Dunne,the
Investigations Dept.Head,requiring
Byrne to sign a Stat.Dec.detailing
all his declarable assets and interests,this of course should include his wifes interests as well.
The Cairns Post should be roasted for not fully reporting this matter.They should have given full coverage of this most important matter,in order that the public is fully aware of what has happened.
One good thing may still come
out of this,it is the fact that if Byrne is found guilty of withholding information required by law,he will be required to resign from the Council.
Keep on his tail John,and the best of luck.
In an attempt to be transparent King Boob intends to disappear next week
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