Sunday, 23 March 2008

Libs charged for racial slur

I blogged in late November, in the days before the Federal election, about a fake racial leaflet that was distributed around Sydney's west.

Five people will be charged under the Electoral Act over the offensive.leaflet

Although Police have not released the names, those that are expected to be charged include: Gary Clark, husband of the Liberal Lindsay MP Jackie Kelly; Greg Chijoff, husband of the Lindsay Liberal candidate, Karen Chijoff; Jeff Egan, member of the state Liberal executive. All were stood down by the organisation for their involvement.

They will appear in court on April 29 and most probably be fined up to $1,000 for not printing the official authorisation on the leaflet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting that you publish this without having the brains or nuance to understand that the Barack Obama specch you lauded (obviously with no reference to what he actually said and follow up comments stereotyping his grandmother as "a typical white") was one of the most racist in American political history?

What planet are you on?