Friday, 14 March 2008

Why Kevin Byrne and Unity are unfit for office

I was looking through the files, and saw some interesting leaflets that I thought I'd share.

I moved to Cairns just before the 2000 election, and quickly settled into Yorkeys Knob. There were promises from Big Kev that he would deal with the Northern Beaches access roads if he was elected. They have a history of flooding and blocking residents in almost every wet season.

"Continue extensive flood mitigation work, with particular emphasis on the northern beaches."

This was Byrne's claim in 2000. You'll see his election leaflet below from that year, saying "Getting the Job Done."

Then along came the 2004 election. Nothing. Hardly a pot hole was filled on the northern beaches road.

Byrne came along to the Yorkeys residents 'meet the candidates' function in February 2004.

I asked the question why the beach access roads work hadn't been dealt with as per his 2000 promise. The answer was pathetic: "We have undertaken the engineering reports and this will now commence in the next year."

So, eight years on, still nothing done. Broken promises to a community that is sick and tired of politicians that make promises and don't deliver.

You see, Byrne's agenda was actually the opposite. All along he was focused on building and sub-dividing new low-lying areas, not dealing with existing problem areas.

The last eight years have actually created more and more flooding of residential communities due to land that is flood-prone. The land been built on and drainage systems have been ill-conceived and simply can't cope.

This wet season will play havoc to the Byrne's re-election chances. The current Council's track record on planning for the the Wet and the extremes it delivers, is pitiful.

Residents of Gordonvale that have been affected by neighbouring new development as extensive land is now covered with house block, which used to act as a natural sponge.

Overnight, the Koombal causeway, next to the False Cape disaster site, has almost collapsed.
It is now considered dangerous by local residents.

It is badly undermined particularly at the southern end and the concrete already cracked.
A heavy vehicle would break through.

I'm sure, reading these 2000 Election leaflets you can spot numerous other broken promises.

The Byrne Council is not only out of ideas, it's sadly incapable of managing strategic infrastructure for a quality life we all desire.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

King Boob is going to sue whoever dug up this old photo ... he says that his ample personage is a sign of regality and not voluptuousness