Thursday, 13 March 2008

PALM advocates for live music

People Advocating Live Music (PALM) is a volunteer community group with an interest in developing a thriving live music scene and music industry in Cairns and our tropical region

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What does the death of the Aquatic (Cains Yacht Club) mean for Cairns?
The Aquatic first formed in Cairns in March 1908 is about to celebrate its 100 year old history and demolition.the Aquatics rich social and live music history has seen over three million patrons enjoying its great waterfront ambiance.Unfortunately due to the collusion of both our State government and Council (closed door meetings) this building will be demolished to make way for another possible eight high rise apartments on our diminishing public warterfront.It is of note that a recent meeting of over 300 musicians lamented the lack of suitable live music venues.The closure of venues such as the world famous Johno,s Blues Bar has had the effect of turning Cairns city into nothing more than a tourist tinsell town.No doubt we will be hearing a lot of physcho babble from our Tourism Minister Desley Boyle talking about our city and ways to encourage increasing tourism to our now bland town but the fact is Desley Boyle as past Minister for The Environment had the power to save our Colonial heritge but chose to sit on her hands, or was it her fabulous superannuation payout?
due to the distortion of our Cairns Plan with quicky "material change of use" rulings we have lost many caravan parks and are now ignored by the grey nomads who are avoiding Cairns, next will be the backpackers and youth looking to find local style entertainment.thank you Desley and Kevin. Still there is allways a trip to China or korea where no doubt tourists could be encouraged to come and view our great High Rise buildings. bloggerbob