Sunday, 16 March 2008

Snaps from Val's party


Anonymous said...

I would appear that congragulations are in order. I hope that Val can now lead Cairns and make us pround and that she didn't win just because we all hate Byrne more.
Will Val publish a first 100 day agenda as so famously done by our new PM.
I look forward to attending the Villa Romano demolition party ... no backing out now.

Anonymous said...

Mike - two things you need to do urgently this morning.
1. change the banner on your blog, its now dated and needs an "Ex" added to byrne's title.
2. Figure out when you will start with the new council as media liason

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Val, Di and the team.

Val, PLEASE leave our hillsides alone and concentrate more on the social disability so obvious in Cairns and surrounds.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Val and everyone. Val, PUH-LEEEEEEZE clean up and revitalize the CBD. Our tourists shouldn't be restricted to a few hundred jam packed metres on the Esplanade.
Suggestions anyone?

Anonymous said...

Great news! Mike, you've much to be proud of about Cairns Blog and the role it's played in this election.

You've kept the cairns Post honest, created a forum for folk to debate issues in a constructive way, and given val and her team oxygen in putting their program forward.

Keep up the good work. (Now you have to keep Val accountable and I don't think she'd want it any other way).

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your tireless work over the last few months Mike. Now to keep the new council honest and open. Keep the good work going.
A few mutual friends have suggested that next election, maybe we could see a councillor Mike running around Yorkeys Knob. Worth thinking about.

edmonton said...

Congratulations Val on your well deserved win over Byrne and his cronies. Now down to business….could you please fix/upgrade our disastrous MILL ROAD/STOKES ST Edmonton. This stretch of road is very dangerous and runs between Ravizza Drive roundabout and the roundabout up near Hambledon School. As you are probably aware, thousands of cars pass through this stretch to get to/from the highway each day, as well as having Suhle St, Stokes St and Marr St feeding into it, which adds to the congestion. There is also turnout at the intersection of Mill, Marr and Stokes streets, the purpose of which is to allow parents to drive into the drop zone of the school. This intersection frequently becomes bottlenecked as you have people trying to get out of Marr St and on to Mill Rd and at the same time people are turning off Mill rd from both directions trying to get into either the school drop zone or to park further down Marr or Stokes street to drop off or pick up the school kids. The parking is all the way along the green verge at this time, often on both sides of the road. Adding to this already dangerous situation you have frustrated parents stuck in the bottle neck simply letting their kids out to run across the street.

Please can you make it a priority to do something about this dangerous situation. We have already had several recent car accidents in this stretch and as this area of Cairns is expanding quite rapidly the problem is only going to get worse so I don’t think it will be long before a Hambledon School student gets seriously injured or even killed.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mike in being part of the push to remove Bully Boy Burned Out!
I hope Byrne graciously leaves Cairns and we never have to see his face again.
Us as a community should never have to put up with his style of government again.
Im sure that Val will do all in her power to reinvigorate Cairns, and help make us the jewel in the crown that we once were.

Tony Hillier said...

It's 2.50pm on Sunday the 16th and the pre-post votes have been alloted (or so it would seem from the tally at the official website), so why hasn't Third Degree Byrne conceded? Perhaps he's hiding in his bunker, a la Adolf! Is he contemplating falling on his sword, like a real major. Or pehaps he's waiting to get shanghaied (if you get my drift). In any event, good riddance! May Cairns never see his like again.

Anonymous said...

Where's Turnour?

Bit camera shy?

Congrats Di (DEIRDRE GONE!!), plenty of young blokes workin around council ;)