Tuesday, 7 September 2010

KidsHype and Cairns Video News join the local blogshere

Two more local blogs have joined the digital dialogue in Cairns.


Carolyn Goodchild from Edgehill, who published a popular school print magazine called Hype and Holiday Hype has morphed into an online interactive youth website called KidsHype.

Although not technically a blog, Carolyn is adding new content all the time, and I thought it worthwhile to add it to the BlogRoll. There's loads of links and youthy things for everyone.

"We've become an online resource as opposed to a magazine that was published every school term," Carolyn Goodchild says. "KidsHype is aimed at primary school kids and parents, however I also get a lot of high school kids that log on that have a look at the competitions."

Cairns Video News

Barry Neall of Residents Against Crime, and Now Frustrated, has launched Cairns Video News.
"The news is local, the news is fact," Barry says about his new video service.
"I started this site to allow others to tell their story that get ignored or just don't get heard."
Barry also encourages anyone to send in their video for airing on the site.
    on the BlogRoll, in the right-hand sidebar!

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