Monday, 20 September 2010

" I have liver cancer" - Derryn Hinch

Derryn Hinch Talkshow host reads his editorial out today on 3AW....

"Good afternoon. It is good to be back. Much happen while I was away? Well, we finally got a prime minister and Collingwood got into the Grand Final. So lots to talk about.

Personally a lot has happened in the past couple of weeks. Some good. Some bad. Some very bad. I now have a date with the High Court to continue that campaign to end the suppression by our courts of the names of serial rapists and pedophiles. That’s good. We head to Canberra November 2.

What else? Well, we went down in the ratings. And on the way to the rally to ban puppy farms yesterday I pranged my new Cadillac.

But all of that means very little when I put things into perspective. Something else happened while I was on leave. Actually it started in my last week on air and it concerns my health. The news is not good.

I have been diagnosed with cancer. I have liver cancer. And it requires major surgery very soon. I’ve talked before about a ‘pesky spot’ on my liver that has been dormant since I was very sick about four years ago. And I nearly died back then from septicaemia...."

1 comment:

Colin Riddell said...

Besides mike derryn is the best thing to come out of new zealand . And a great advocate for abused children and many many people and animals that cannot speak for themselves . GET WELL MY FRIEND