Cairns Police have arrested a 15-year-old male in relation to the violent sexual assault of a 20-year-old German tourist.
The incident occurred in the early hours of Tuesday morning in the grounds of Cairns State High School on Sheridan Street, and was closed for the day to students, while forensic police combed the school property.
If I ignore the fact that for some reason I am appalled that the person responsible (allegedly) is only 15 years of age (lets face it, no matter what the age, this act is revolting), I am very grateful to the police and forensic teams for their hard work in catching this idiot. Job well done. Now courts, it's up to you to make sure that the young lady who has suffered so much, gets some form of justice.
Leigh Dall'Osto
Umm Leigh, there is such a thing as "innocent until proven guilty."
I hope she recovers stronger than woman deserves this...
But be wary all as...
Police are corrupt liars skilled at fabricating evidence and verballing innocents to cover their own appallingly dirty acts...
The one got the friendly bullet in Bankstown home invasion deserved it (always racing in first to do the bust).. it is these cops who are on the hunt are on the take.....
legalize pot to end racial tensions and violence against women....
castrate offenders and lying police...
err yer well Pemulwuy. Yeah, we take your point, I think. There has been some odd police action in Cairns, like the insistence of bringing in that young woman officers had found to have given herself an abortion. For the life of me, I can't reason why they insisted on doing this, thus opening up the whole can of worms over Queensland's inadequate abortion laws.
Thanks for pointing that out Thaddeus. My comment should have read (allegedly) responsible, not responsible (allegedly). A mistake on my part but the gist of the comment remains the same.
I notice the Cairns Post downplayed this story on page one with a small headline and went huge with something about "PRIDE" and a picture of a hunky guy in shorts again.
Coming after Saturday's Gay Pride front page, what do you suppose is going on there? Pitching for the pink tourism dollar for the region?
Interesting point Miss Creant. Keep your eye on "The Cairns Post" and just observe.
Gavin King has certain priorities, Miss Creant. As greenbottle above said, just keep your eye on "The Post" and you should work it out.
I'm glad this alleged offender has been charged. Excellent Police work done again, probably to be let down by the courts (again). If found guilty in a court of law, don't be surprised if a suspended sentence is handed down due to his background and poor upbringing. The poor unfortunate offender might end up at the Townsville Juvenile Centre where he will be rewarded with a warm bed, 3 meals a day and Austar. A friend of mine and her 2 children were murdered in 2009 by a drink driver on LSD. The poor unfortunate offender still attended parties afterward with no remorse. He will be released from jail next year. Oh. Sorry. I completely forgot to think about the victims and their families. No wonder this country is going down the poo poo.
And we stopped shooting them Why?
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