Friday 17 September 2010

Women on top

Mayor Val got number 1. CEO Lyn is 2. Desley is 3rd. Sandra Harding from JCU came in at 4.

The annual Post's Business Week "most influential women" list was announced this week.

Tania Major is in there. So is Senator Jan McLucas who got 11. There's Phillipa Woodward from the CaPTA Group. Sally Mlikota from CBC Staff, came in at 21, who magically has a chunky advert in the same Business Week supplement announcing the awards.

However, there's a couple of obvious omissions.

Where's the chair of Cairns Regional Council's Finance committee, Linda Cooper? Coops ran successful media and publishing businesses, before being elected to Council in 2008. She now heads the most important committee in the council.

How about Gina Skilbeck from Southern Cross Media - whose empire includes Channel 10, Sea and Hot FM - arguably the most influential female in Cairns' media.

Let's not forget Tanya Brooks-Cooper (my personal choice).

And I'm shocked that Maria Cristina Mimil Alvero Y Exconde, the infamous treasurer from Cairns community radio, doesn't make the list. It's a glaring oversight from the Cairns Post. In just 12 short months, with $316,000 in the bank, Alvero Exconde went on a $163,000 spending spree of public funds.

And what about John Mackenzie?


Leigh Dall'Osto said...

I agree Mike, there are some definite oversights in this one. Those you have listed should definitely have made the list....with the exception perhaps of the last two.

yk said...

I'm a little disturbed that Jan McLucas made the list when the Dear Lady does not even live in Cairns, or Queensland, for that matter.
The whole thing is a bit silly. What can we expect next from the Cairns Post? The 25 most influencial dogs? The 25 most dodgy restaurants? The list goes on and on! Police, lawyers and used car salesmen come to mind. Certainly not Real Estate agents because over the amount of advertising revenue they generate. Or journalists for that matter!
I wonder if Sarah Bradley would be on the list if she still lived here. And I'm not sure where John Mackenzie would fit in.
Gilbert and Sullivan wrote a ditty about a 'Little list" and I'm sure they would have made something of this farce.

yk said...

What about "Cairns most useless waste of space irreverent and libelous blog" ?
I nominate this blog.

Paul Taylor, Maryborough said...

Hey yk - it mustn't be that "useless waste of space and irreverent", because you are a rather frequent visitor by a simple search through the comments!

Maybe it's your contributions you're referring to? Or your personality... or your brain capacity???

Maybe you're the waste of space....

Baroness Thatcher said...

Of course this is mostly about selling copies of the Compost, so we shouldn't be too surprised that these ladies, all admirable in their way, are all high-profile. I can think of a couple of carefully low-profile women who wield real power, and they avoid notoriety.

greenbottle said...

Yawn, what a bloody bore. It's all so blatantly Americanised, with the American reverence for "power". Frankly I agree with previous comments, the "20 most influential dogs" would have been more worthwhile a list.

CBD Warrior said...

Gina Skilbeck influential? I think not. She's like a Labor member, she does what she's told, no thinking required.

Jacki said...

Bit like yourself CBD?

NotTheChaser said...

What about a list of the "25 Most Inconsequential and Useless Lists"?
This one would be "On the List."

What about a List of the "25 People that feel Lists are Relevant"?

And so it could go on ---