Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Gruen Transfer finishes tonight

The final Gruen Transfer for 2010 will screen tonight at 9pm on the ABC.

Host Wil Anderson, with ad men Todd Sampson and Russel Howcroft will be joined tonight by Matt Eastwood and Bridget Taylor on the final episode for this series.

The Pitch will have to convince Australia to join forces with New Zealand (it's a small island off the coast of Queensland). Wil also awards the Gruen Turd to the worst ad of all time. Cairns Community Radio is nominated in this category. Let's keep fingers crossed.


Leigh Dall'Osto said...

I watch every week, it will be a struggle to find something else to do at the same time every week from now on. It's clever, funny and eye-opening

KitchenSlut said...

I have previously admired Gruen Transfer. However this particular show was cynical self serving rubbish more apprpriate to the ten network advertorials with some particular mythical bloopers from key participants.

Syd Walker said...

There was an interesting article by Clive Hamilton in Crikey recently about the Gruen Transfer: "Gruen’s gift to the advertisers

Clive has a tendency to be a nanny-state advocate and moralistic busy-body, but I rather agreed with his take in this instance and said so in the comments.

KitchenSlut said...

When the comedy falls flat as it did in the final show in a bigly significant way then there isn't much left to fall back on and the flaws were bare .....

Bryan Law said...

KS, my floors are often bear.

Leigh Dall'Osto said...

I have to agree with all of the above comments.......the final show was not really memorable, except for the Pitch where they voted for the WRONG ad!! I much preferred the first one but I guess they can't vote for the Kiwi is NZ after all.

When all is said and done however, I will still be tuning in next season, as I am sure most of you will too..

Lillian at Yorkeys said...

I think Gruen Transfer has been Ab Fab the whole way through, & although I normally agree with KitchenSlut on just about everything, I can't on this one. OK, not Every Moment has been sublime, but there have been some sublime moments.

I also thought their advertising take on election campaigns, during the Fed election was amazing - a great insight.

I also like, in true Aussie form, none of them mind taking the piss out of themselves. Like Leigh Dall'Osto, I will indeed be watching next season. Fascinating - and in a Sliding Doors sense - interesting how the principals will give away the insights to advertising, yet laugh at it at the same time. What's not to appreciate?