Monday 27 September 2010

Dear Alan, Love Michael


spangled lady said...

A stroke of genius MM -who needs a lawyer! You have to love RULE 17!

Sammy Jaye, Freshwater said...

Not genius Spangled Lady. I mean, how dumb is Blake?

Paul Taylor, Childers said...

Can't wait till this goes to Court... I so wanna see Blakie testify and be grilled about proving he's NOT a lier!!!

Bring it on.

Roy Cobolt said...

The sad thing is I used to trust, like and respect this Councillor.

Zero, zip, zilch time for him now, and I will actively campaign against his carry on so he won't ever receive a salary from the public purse again.

spangled lady said...

Sammy J -the genius is in MM finding the relevant Rule 17 -it is the dumb lawyer whoever he/she is who made the error isn't it? Surely any competent lawperson would suss out all the implications especially in this case which has attracted national interest. I wonder what Mr Blake paid for this bit of crap advice? Try reading the original letter from Blake's lawyer if you don't know what I mean!

Lady Macbeth said...

I thinks that FNQ LEGAL if they are not Eagles, is a Office with a pool of computers and outdated legal reference books.

All it is, is a do it yourself Legal Office ie. come off the street and start typing and leave the gold coin in the jar!.

The output as expected is shoddy at best.

Blake Watch, because someone has to do it said...

I've heard that two of Blake's spies will be at tomorrow's event.... wonder it they'll be wearing black shirts and dark sunglasses? Will be a spectacle!

Paul the Octopus said...

Nice to see that Blake has a bigger head in this version of the clown suit Mike!!!!!

What will version 3 be like?????? hahhahahhhaaa

Ronnie at Edgehill said...

I heard Blake's legal eagle Sydney sister is heading to Cairns wonder if Blake the Snake is getting worried or he needs the numbers!?

Syd Walker said...
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greenbottle said...

ugh Syd...aren't you getting the two Michael Moore's a bit mixed up here? Our Kiwi Mike is definitely not a "fat slob"!! (Or are you off somewhere travelling with Gulliver himself?).

Bryan Law said...

I'd ask for people not to be distracted by Syd on this issue.

Anonymous said...

Well at least he didn't post any links to his own web-site or Zionist conspiracies for a change...

Joanne Drummond, CBD said...

I just counted up Syd's comments on the Richard Dinnen story. There were 7.

Shows that amazing disrespect for the way in which he attempts to take over and control a discussion that has nothing to do with the topic.

This story is about the ability for free speech. Not an opportunity for cheap arse jokes. The case before the Supreme court, waged by a Cairns Councillor for $350,000 is very serious and Walker treats it as a joke. He himself enjoys the ability to share his point of view but seems to not understand or embrace this debate in it's rue context.

Bryan Law said...

The lawsuit is very serious indeed, and folk here should realise that Mike stands to lose the only asset he has, his equity in his house he lives in. I'm impressed with the steadiness of his resolve to defend free political discussion in the blogosphere.

I've just spent a half hour on the telephone with Alan Blake, exploring the possibilities for amicable resolution of underlying issues, and am able to report that "some" opportunity exists. I'll be able to report further on that tomorrow evening.

I encourage people to show up and participate. There is little to lose, and much to gain.

Syd Walker said...

Just in case it isn't already clear and FWIW, I greatly respect Mike's contribution to raising the level of genuine journalism and public debate in FNQ.

I'm one of Mike's fans and have been since soon after he started. I very much hope he doesn't get whacked financially over this. We all have a lot at stake in making sure that doesn't happen.

If my levity offended Michael Moore, I apologise. Somehow I doubt it did.

If it offended Bryan, tough. Drummond of the CBD, IMO, needs to lighten up. But it's good she can count to 7.

kate said...

MM, Great letter - but I suspect the provision is actually s 17 (1)(b)(ii).

kate said...

OOpsie, I meant to say RULE 17(1)(b)(ii)

It's all so damn pedantic stuff, including me.

veritas said...

Pedantic so turns me on

Friend of Veritas said...

Hey Veritas...... How does it feel to be named in Blake's Claim?????? Tell us more!!!!

Veritas said...

I am Mr Blake's worse nightmare and he knows it...
As Aldous Huxley said Mr Blake, Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you mad. ~

kate said...

And you are my very best fantasy, Veritas. No one, not ever, has ever loved me for my pendantic-ness before...

Mick Mighell said...

"pedantry" is the word for which you grope, perhaps, Ms Kate? Love me too...

Kon Fewshus said...

So what happened at the meeting on Tuesday arvo in City Place?

No Blake lover said...

"So what happened at the meeting on Tuesday arvo in City Place?"

Another huge flop, once again the publicity whore was ignored by 99.99% of Cairns.

man on grassy knoll said...

I was there but I couldn't find my grassy knoll in City Place? Someone took it away :(