Friday, 24 September 2010

I'm not in right now. I'm busy getting maoried, I mean married

I sent an email to Cairns Post journo, Daniel Bateman. He wasn't in and I got an auto-reply. Isn't Dan a funny man. Now, where's that sarcasm font?
  • From: Daniel Bateman
    Date: 22/09/2010 3:10 pm
    Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: IMPORTANT: Change of contact details


    You have reached the electronic verson
    [sic] of Daniel Bateman while he is currently on holidays,

    If you are Hollywood star Jessica Alba - please stop calling. You had your chance.

    The real Dan will be back in the office on Monday, October 4, no doubt with a big smile on his face.

    In the meantime, if you would like to contact another journalist, please contact our perenially [sic] friendly chief-of-
    staff Damon Guppy or (07) 4052 6627

    Daniel Bateman


Olly Do Da said...

Very funny, Daniel - especially that name "Damon Guppy" - that's hilarious. Imagine if some poor bugger really was called Damon Guppy!

The Essence of Good Taste said...

A bit of respect... Damon Guppy is a real name and I've always found Damon very professional.

Townsvillie aquarium said...

IT IS TRUE Damon Guppy he is the best one in my fish tank .


Queenie said...

Yes, but why would you land yourself with a moniker like 'guppy' = although the many guppies i've seen are quite beautiful I guess.
It's a bit like why would you keep a name like the builder 'Shane Pratt". Shane is a bit ordinary, but Pratt is well - a prat. Why would you do it?
I guess many of us are landed with silly names & surnames, but some of us choose to move out of the name swamp.

I certainly did, but you'll only know me as Queenie, at this time. Yep, Damon's not a bad bouno, & good luck to his heart

Sheila Dikshit, Chief Minister, Delhi said...

Yes, I feel sorry for people with names like Guppy which simply provide fodder for rather poor comedians.

Sheila Dikshit, Chief Minister of Delhi, India

Colin R said...

You think guppy is funny ? When I worked in victoria for gadsdens . There were two blokes working there and they were in a car on the hume highway coming back from a work trip from sydney and got pulled up for speeding.
Nothing strange except there names were Adam west (batman) and Burt Ward "robin" and the cops did not believe it then pissed themselves laughing.
I also bought a kitchen off a bloke in rosebud and his name was Jack Frost took great control to write the cheque .