Thursday, 23 September 2010

Contacting your new Federal MP

Warren Entsch, the new Leichhardt MP, have moved into former Labor MP Jim Turmour's office in Grafton Street.

Here's Warren's contacts:
  • 102 Grafton Street, Cairns Queensland 4870
    Telephone 07 4051 2220
    Fax 07 4031 1592 (does anyone still have these?)
    PO Box 14, Bungalow QLD 4870


Homer Simpson (The First) said...

Mike, I can fax a signed document, a handwritten note or a sketch. I tried writing with a texta on my laptop screen but the resulting email was blank!

Anyway, why would I want to contact Warren? What's he gunna do for me? Open a school building he disapproves of? Get me a connection to the NBN he's opposed to?

Miss Ed said...

Is this just Warren rubbing Jim's nose in it or is the LNP so cashed up that they can afford two offices?
So much for the Mulgrave Road office being the star in the crown for the party in Qld, when their elected rep chooses not to work from there.

Tom said...

But didn't Jim Turnour move into Entsch's old office when he won Leichardt? If so, what's so wrong with it now? Or did Jim trash the place as he left?

A True Liberal said...

Last week Warren was appointed Opposition Whip by Tony Abbott, a good choice in a parliament where the numbers are so tight - Coalition MPs will be way too scared to think about calling in sick.

Warren has experience in this sort of role - he was a bouncer at the House On The Hill Nightclub 30 odd years ago - which "family" owned it?

This morning I hear Warren repudiating the traditional pairing arrangement in Parliament, so Abbott really has made a good choice - a man who has no respect for traditional or parliamentary convention, a man who'll twist arms when the law isn't looking, a man who'll kick heads, a man without scruples.

The problem is, if they do abandon the pairing convention (observed ever since Federation by all parties), and manage to unseat the Gillard govt and try to form a minority govt of their own, they'll be facing the same dilemma that now faces Labor.

I predict, that despite Warren's threats and bluster, they will back down, and will continue to provide a pair in the usual circumstances. To do otherwise would be just too destructive of our democracy. Warren may be willing, but Abbott is not so unwise.

A True Liberal, Updated said...

Tom, Miss Ed, The govt pays the rent on the fixed term lease, and all the furniture and office equipment belongs to the govt too, so the new member is rightly expected to use the office that is already set up. When the lease runs out, they can move if they want.

Just heard, Katter has come out with trenchant criticism of Abbott's stance on pairing. How ironic, if Warren in his role of Whip were to refuse a pair, only to see Bob Katter spit the dummy and walk across to vote with Labor.

Bob has too much integrity to trash long-established parliamentary conventions, conventions vital to our democracy, conventions that Warren is too quick to abandon.

Just goes to show the true nature of the man.

kate said...

Aw shucks, Cairns Resident. You have a lovely weekend!

Queenie said...

Why shouldn't Warren continue in the leased building, makes sense. Also, you can often get parks there outside. Simple, easy. Also close to transport & cafes. No probs?

Dermott said...

Do any of you realise that Where’s Warren own party whip at the time struggled to threaten, cajole, sweet-talk or order Warren into Parliament in his earlier terms? Warren was absent from Parliament more than any other elected member, busily publishing photos of himself on his Parliamentary publishing allowance delivering nothing but a idiotic grin and empty promises to all in his vast electorate. He did nothing positive for Leichardt in his time in the seat, Jimmy managed to achieve the same in less than half the time.

Warren’s in this for Warren – don’t doubt that, he’s a true Liberal

Freshwater said...

Fair go, Dermott! Warren did hassle the Immigration Dept to provide some tinnies to their Torres Strait staff - and true to form he's now backing the families trying to get some compensation for the Malu Sara drownings.

How fortunate Warren is, that the concept of irony is beyond his ken.

Colin R said...

The Haircut
One day a florist went to a barber for a haircut.
After the cut, he asked about his bill, and the barber replied, 'I
cannot accept money from you; I'm doing community service this week.'
The florist was pleased and left the shop.
When the barber went to open his shop the next morning, there was a
'thank you' card and a dozen roses waiting for him at his door.
Later, a policeman came in for a haircut, and when he tried to pay his
bill, the barber again replied, 'I cannot accept money from you, I'm
doing community service this week.
The policeman was happy and left the shop.
The next morning when the barber went to open up, there was a 'thank
you' card and a dozen donuts waiting for him at his door.
Then a Member of Parliament came in for a haircut, and when he went to
pay his bill, the barber again replied, 'I cannot accept money from you.
I'm doing community service this week.'
The MP was very happy and left the shop.
The next morning, when the barber went to open up, there were a dozen
MPs lined up waiting for a free haircut.
And that, my friends, illustrates the fundamental difference between the
citizens of our country and the politicians who run it.

KitchenSlut said...

Kitchenslut has noted the allegation here from Cairns Resident that he "talks sense" and requests a retraction and apology for this defamatory statement!

As a consequence of this alleged "making sense" on Cairnsblog KS has sufferered ridicule and embarrassment among colleagues! This has produced abnormal sobriety and loss of self-perceived lucid insight?

The issue of damages is currently being discussed with legal representatives. At this time it is uncertain whether any damages should be based on a securitised auction of loss to Kitchensluts reputation via eBay or an offer from an Indian body parts dealer!?

KS fan said...

KitchenSlut, you're a "he"!!! Hurray for me!

But are you a he/he, or a she/he? If the first, then I'd love to do on a date with you ASAP.

Cause to me you always made perfect sense.

Bryan Law said...

Cairns Resident, how much have you got?

Cairns Resident said...

Not enough I think bryan . We will discuss your fee on Tuesday at speakers corner at 5.30 pm tuesday.
Going to be interesting to see if bloggers on here have the courage to show up. Or are they fair weather friends. Just think if mm is shut down syd walker will have to read the shit on his own site.
Or post on werners site.

KitchenSlut said...

KS Fan,

Kitchenslut is indeed a he!

Confused on the "she/he"? No i am not a transexual which could be imnplied by the "he/she" inference and explicity enjoy female company if that is the question!?

He she he he what? KS enjoys a broad spectrum of friends regardless of sexuality!
Follow the hyperlinks and happy to engage ..... dinner perhaps?

KS Fan said...

OOh, will do. Thanks, KS. I'm a she, BTW.

I shall follow the magic yellow brick road to your kitchen!