Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Shocking community radio AGM didn't disappoint

I spent last evening at the Cairns Community Radio AGM. It was worth waiting nearly a year to see this drama unfold.

There were three security guards stationed at the door, people refused entry left, right and centre, and refusal to release any financial information inside the meeting.

Needless to say, CairnsBlog has recordings of the entire meeting, photographs and all the vague financial statements to share. Of course, you'll never see any of this on the Cairns FM 89.1 FM website.

Following my release of the 2009 annual accounts yesterday, you won't believe what I discovered has occurred in the last year (or, sadly, maybe you will).

It's just before 2am and has been a long night. Thanks to Shayne Thompson from Steady Vision, I also have some great video interviews to share from a number of upset and angry radio members as they came out of the meeting.

I'll get my hyperbole-free report up during the morning.


Frannie said...

Great photo Mike. I was at the meeting and was saddened to see the way the meeting was run. Mr Coutts was on the back foot from the start, being defensive and not allowing questions until a point of order was made. No minutes of the previous AGM were given out and by the time I left neither were copies of the President's report which several people in the audience found hard to hear and continually asked him to speak slower and more clearly.

This is a community radio station and I am upset to hear that memberships are terminated or not allowed.

Being a volunteer is hard and no one wants to be criticised but Mr Coutts would have been far wiser to lead from the front. Apologise for any misunderstandings then go on to say there would be a revised copy of the constitution which would be discussed at a later meeting.

I wish the committee luck as I know being a volunteer is a hard job and being criticised makes it harder but their charter is as a community radio station and surely there wouldn't be all this fuss if there wasn't some real reason for it. Wishing for a breath of fresh air to clear up all this fiasco so that the wonderful announcers of 89.1 can get on with their great job of bringing a diverse range of music to the airwaves.

:Kevin-John: Morgan. said...

Mr Coutts, and ANY supporters of his, should be immediately reported to the Fraud Squad and the Federal Police.
The licence for this radio station is a FEDERAL licence, therefore it is governed by FEDERAL rules, NOT Mr Coutts's rules! End of story!
A formal complaint is needed by someone with balls, who was a witness to the meeting, or who has been removed from 4CCR by Mr Coutts.
Do NOT trust a lawyer under ANY circumstances, If you wish, I will do the paperwork for FREE!
We have the evidence, now let's go for it.
If people TRULY want Mr Coutts gone..this is the way to do it.
But, you will never, never know, if you never, never go there.

another exmember said...

Has anyone else seen the Financial Report? I have and it's a beauty.

spangled lady said...

Kevin-john -you haven't been listening have you? Formal complaints have gone to the ACMA since the beginning of this year and during last year -Mr Coutts thinks he is invincible -and buggar me it is looking like he is!! Why? Because of a mainly apathetic Cairns community and a media more interested in the local Bridge Club (which is not Federally funded) than a local community radio station that is being driven into the ground by greedy opportunists.
I am looking forward to Mike's comments on the state of 4CCR finances after last night's AGM -how much is left in that kitty?

Sammy Jaye said...

what's with the dead frog pic.. are I missing somethig?????????

Michael Hyams said...

Yes, Kevin-john Morgan, I am more than willing to accept help from you, but you must realise that ACMA are already dealing with complaints from my wife and myself and have all the information availabkle up to yesterday's meeting. You will be interested to know that they revoked my membership in March, I have appealed under the current rules and my request for a General Meeting to find out why my appeal has ben sitting in their Solicitors office for 7 months without so much as a word, remains unanswered. I repplied for 2010 membership and paid in July, and all I have is a letter from Coutts saying that my membership will be c`onsidered after the AGM. Thus my wife was allowed to pas his guards at the meeting. I had in my hand`a letter from Centrelink saying I was my wife's carer. Coutts would not even read it. Threw it back in my face. My wife was subjected to intimidation in the meeting be Coutts and his henchmen. If you think you can help me then please do. my Email is Michael.Hyams52@gmail.com

once a Coutts sympathiser said...

Mr Hyams, I am very distressed that this should happen to you -are you the same elderly gentleman who had his picture on the blog a while ago? I cannot believe that Mr Coutts would not let you into the meeting as your wife's carer -he is a BULLY and should be charged. I remember how they treated one of the City Councellors too -more BULLYING -and now we know what they are protecting, their snouts are in the trough sucking up as much public money as they can.
Please accept my sympathy at such disgraceful treatment of an old and distinguished man.

I care too said...

Dear Mr Hyams

By allowing your wife to be bullied, Mr Coutts has shown himself to be a bully.

However, you have legal rights as a carer. I suspect that, by refusing you entry to the meeting to support your wife, Mr Coutts has actually breached the legal rights of both your wife and yourself. You should contact Centrelink or the Carers Queensland's FNQ office at:

231 Draper Street, Cairns, Qld 4870
Ph: (07) 4031 0163
Fax: (07) 4051 0166

What would have happened if your wife had fallen at the meeting or a fire broke out and she was unable to get out quickly?

And all this behaviour from a taxpayer funded community organisation. Shame, shame, shame.

:Kevin-John: Morgan. said...

Well spangled lady, you're quite wrong.
I have a vested and spiritual interest in the outcome of this farcical event at 4CCR, which is not just about the Coutts event, but also past misdemeanours of the station, presenters and the silly managements as well.
It began before Coutts arrived on the scene, however it has now been escalating to a point where the whole city agrees that the choice for boss-man was the wrong one.
There is a bevy of evidence going back 22 years that I can remember, against that toothless and also corrupt tiger, called the ACMA, and not just concerning 4CCR either.
Believe me when I say, this mob ACMA need a bloody good shake up as well.
Of course we could always just go upstairs and remove him forcibly from the premises, and ban him from re-entering?
Seems to work everywhere else!
He won't be able to prosecute anyone, he can't read or write, neither can his solicitor.

Miss Chantel said...

Last night's Annual General Meeting was a shonky affair. The President did not have a clue as to what was going on and look and sounded to be defending his position when he should have been less evasive and more upfront.

He was a bully boy with members how questioned his rulings and disagreed with him.

I went to the meeting hoping that a broom would sweep clean. What we ended up with is more of the same. Depressing all round.

I wanted to vote for Ross Parisi for the position of president but was told that his membership was terminated because Coutts was fearful of being toppled by him.

The radio station would have done well with his vast experience in public policy and administration.

Shame on you Mr Coutts. You are digging your grave with your own hands

Leuco Gaster said...

I know that people are busy and have things to do other than deal with this controversy, but I'm puzzled by the lack of information about this AGM, on this blog and on Friendsof4CCR.org.

How many people attended?
Did Cairns Regional Councillors attend?
How many people were refused admission?
Was an election held for President and committee?
Who was nominated?
Who was elected?
What about expelled members?
What about refused member applications?

I'm wondering about the silence of activists who had a lot to say about 4CCR over the last few months, you haven't given up have you?

Ross Parisi said...

Leuco Gaster wrote in a previous entry;

I know that people are busy and have things to do other than deal with this controversy, but I'm puzzled by the lack of information about this AGM, on this blog and on Friendsof4CCR.org.

Ross: I will be doing another piece of the Friends Website in the next day or two

How many people attended?

Ross: Approx 40 including 3 Security Guards

Did Cairns Regional Councillors attend?

Ross: Only Cr D Forsyth and was not allowed to enter the venue by Mr Coutts.

How many people were refused admission?

Ross: 12 people

Was an election held for President and committee?

Ross: Yes but not before Mr Coutts and Treasurer Ms Alvero were forced to stand down. The meeting was in limbo while Mr Coutts consulted with his Solicitor.

Who was nominated?

Ross: President - Mr Coutts
Vic President - Mr J Filder
Sectretary - Mr J Serong
Treasurer - Ms M Alvero
Committee - Mr G Montagnner, Ms D Jensen, Mr P Blaauw, Mr P Rickets

Who was elected?

Ross: All of the above.

What about expelled members?

Ross: Most of us were there adding moral support to a few of Friends supporters who are also members of CCBI.

What about refused member applications?

Ross: ACMA are in the process of undertaking investigations again. It seems it have a separate section just for the Friends matters

I'm wondering about the silence of activists who had a lot to say about 4CCR over the last few months, you haven't given up have you?

Ross: All are welcome to join either the Friends or CCBI


Ross Parisi
Chairperson of the Friends
Mbl 0419645818
Office 40 381005
Email ross @rossparisi.com

exmember said...

Leuco G
Members said there were only four committee members present at the AGM. It looks as if most of them were afraid of the anger of ordinary members when they saw the extent of the financial loss made by the station - this did not happen- because Mr Coutts did not make the figures clear at the meeting. Watch for the real anger at the next General Meeting called to pass changes to the Constitution. This is needed because Mr Coutts did not bother to read the rules about constitutional changes (the second time in a year).

Although Julian Serong nominated for secretary he withdrew. Again, it looks as if he is afraid of being implicated in Mr Coutts schemes, or perhaps he simply realises that the role of secretary is meaningless while Coutts is in charge as President. The position of secretary remains vacant - the association cannot function legally without one so the future will be interesting.

Leuco Gaster said...

Thanks Ross. As I said, I know you're busy, and your efforts are appreciated, as are the efforts of the other opponents of this corrupt little cabal. I look forward to the post on Friends.