Thursday, 2 September 2010

Freebody and Schier's 'gang of four'

Former Cairns councillor and waterpark wonder-woman, Paul Freebody, seems to be all in a fluster over numbers.
As cycling whizz kid and official candidate for ruining Alan Blake's future in politics, Richie Bates so succinctly puts it in today's Cairns Post, there are 11 Cairns Regional councillors, with at least six or seven independents...
  • Paul Gregory (independent)
  • Nancy Lanskey (independent)
  • Robert Pyne (independent with Labor leanings)
  • Kirsten Lesina (Labor)
  • Alan Blake (Liberal)
  • Linda Cooper (independent with Liberal leanings)
  • Diane Forsyth (Labor)
  • Margaret Cochrane (independent with Liberal leanings)
  • Sno Bonneau (independent with Liberal leanings)
  • Julia Leu (independent)
  • Val Schier (Labor)
Numbers like $35 million may not add up that easily for Mr Freebody.
With this last outburst in mind, it's hard not to forget Paul's efforts during the last council election, when he designed some magnificent election brochures. Some things never change.


Lucas said...

Hi Michael, you need to change the list see below.

Kirsten Lesina (Australian Communist Party)

Robert Pyne (Whatever will get the most Attention Party)

Val Schier (Escaped Lunatics & Mad Hatters with Bad Hair & Dress Sense)

Thaddeus said...

Now now Lucas, you don't want some Councillors taking defamation action against you, do you? I mean Val could be really really devastated by someone saying she had bad dress sense! I mean it might make her suicidal or something. And Rob Pyne being an attention seeker? Noooooooo! I mean that's a bloody shocking thing to say about anyone. Christ, I mean he could go on prozac for years afer that. I'm shocked, just shocked, shocked. SHOCKED. You're so mean and cruel.
In fact, I might go and have me a beer to get my heart pumping again.