Saturday 11 September 2010

Drama, intrigue, secret deals, assassination - a night out the whole family can enjoy


Ross Parisi said...

Yes, indeed all are welcome to join the 'Friends of 4CCR' as we witness democracy in motion;

Yes, it will be fun to see Mr Coutts waddle through the agenda and then stumble at the hurdle;

Yes, it will be interesting to see how our money, Federal grant money is spent and who is been paid what and what for;

Yes, to see the embarrssment on Mr Coutts's face when he realises that the new Constitution that entrenches maladministration and nepotism has no legal standing because he failed to have it approved by the Under Secretary Department of Justice Brisbane.(see CCBI's Rules Clause 27 )

Yes, to how Mr Coutts explains to the members and guests that ACMA has 4 fresh investigations underway;

Yes, to his reaction when I tell him that ACMA cannot be taken for granted and that the radio license is in peril.

Yes, all come along and see true democracy in action!

Michael Hyams said...

If you want to know anything about the state of democracy in our State Government read Ross Fitzgerald on page 7 of the "Inquirer" section of the Weekend Australian. If you want to know about the lack of democracy in the management of our once proud Community Radio Station then take up Ross Parisi's invitation to be at Brothers, 7 pm Monday. You may have to have a receipt for your fees, this may present a problem as they appear not to have issued any. Wonder why ? But by just being there you will show your support of the "Friends of 4CCR present a gold=plated membership receipt (This could present a problem as`they appear not to have issued any to many members renewing as of 1st July. B your support of the "Friends of 4CCR" by just being there will be invaluable

Entsch supporter said...

If $300,000 of taxpayers is being put into this radio station, I call on Warren Entsch to have a look, this town needs money for the hospital, better roads and drainage and old people’s homes!
This 4CCR isn’t the ABC or SBS, leave the government money with them not 4CCR.
Leave Rod Coutts and his wankers do what they like but not with our money!!!!!
I voted for ya Warren, can you add this to your fix it list? Lets see some action with this obvious waste of money, even 2 valcanoe’s would be better than this!!

Fooled You said...

Ha ha ha Entsch supporter wants Warren to do something more than piss and moan. LOL!

Ban D Coutts said...

Well well….well, Captain Mainwaring shouts a message to the shaken platoon, a Cairns doppelganger

KitchenSlut said...

So on the one blog we have, at least among commenters and frequently the same people, the most rabid support for the most expensive national broadband program in the world synchronous with support for public funding of a public radio station!

Ummm I find these two positions somewhat assymetrical and only consistent with the worst of corporate rent seekers with interists alignigned purely to dependence on the public teat as the only symmetrical alliance?