Friday 6 March 2009

Leaked letter shows money diversion

A leaked letter to Main Roads Minister and out-going Mulgrave MP Warren Pitt, shows a 20% increase in vehicle registration from July.
It shows that the increase revenue will go to the consolidated fund, not into road infrastructure or safety.

"I can inform you that CBRC (Cabinet Budget Review Committee) has also agreed to increase motor vehicle registration fees by 20 per cent from 1 July 2009 with the revenue derived from the increase to pass fully to the Consolidated Fund and not to the Department of Main Roads as currently occurs."
The December 8 letter contradicts a speech Fraser made at the time:
"An increase in car registrations from 1 July 2009 will raise $194 million and will keep the roads building program on track. The increase will fund our commitment to building and upgrading Queensland's road network."

I wonder if the rego cash has gone into the budget black hole to try and prop up our State debt?


Fosnez said...

Oh great. Because $600 / year is clearly not enough already...

Anonymous said...

Methinks a leaking government is a government in crisis!

Or did this escape the shredder as Pitt the Elder vacated his office - damned windy with Hamish around!

Anonymous said...

Just what we need in the midst of the global economic crisis - increasing rego costs. That should motivate all of those out-of-work job seekers to try even harder. And also more revenue for when they get busted by the cops for being out of rego.
My Land Tax had a hefty extra bit tagged on a couple of months ago.
One would think a Labor Govt (you remember - for the workers etc) would try & hold costs down this year. There is hardly an individual or family who has not been affected. I think they're totally out of touch with the electorate. Mind you, I don't think the LNP mob are much to write home about either. Unless I can vote for a sane Green or independent, I might just be casting the first donkey vote of my life.

Anonymous said...

Nothing new, they did the same thing with the ambulance levy money! High taxing dishonest swine!

Anonymous said...

Wendy Richardson LNP candidate for Barron River will hold a public meeting on Saturday 14th of March at the Yorkeys Knob community hall from 5.30 to 7.30

Anonymous said...

The so called "Traffic improvement fee" that already appears on our rego was defined to me by a Department drone as "a fee collected by Queensland Transport on behalf of the Treasury who (in turn) determine its use". This means that Queensland Transport knowingly imposes and collects taxes on behalf of the Treasury. Wonder how legal that is?