Thursday, 12 March 2009

Heading South

I’m popped down to Sydney last evening for a couple of day’s business. I missed Mardi Gras by a week, phew.

Big cities do little but frustrate me these days, and I reluctantly embrace the reason for their existence. Busy humming high-concentration with millions, all living squashed alongside each other, consuming and polluting - it's not the place for any normal human being. Certainly not this one anyway.

However, southern cities is where I often do business. The contrast to Cairns is so obvious. The quiet pace of the Far North is the very reason why I escaped the big smoke nine years ago.

While away, I'll try to slot in time for blogging over the next few days. I expect my unpaid spies will keep me informed. Whilst in Sydders, I’ll miss the evolving election corflutte-war that’s now in full swing around our streets.

Over the last week or two, I’ve snapped numerous pix of the now cluttered sidewalks. If you see a gem, drop a pic to me and I'll share!

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