Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Dengue cases rise

The reported Dengue cases today stands at 719, which includes Cairns, Mareeba, Port Douglas, Yarrabah, and Innisfail.

There have been no more cases diagnosed in Townsville, where the total remains at 72.

Meanwhile, it is expected that a formal complainant will be made to Cairns Council early next week, with a request to investigate the initial response to the Dengue outbreak late last year.

"My formal notification for Council staff to attend to a prolific mosquito breeding site in Gatton Street [North Cairns] fell on deaf ears in the first week of December," local resident Marty told CairnsBlog. "I'm incensed at Council's slow response, especially in light of the first ever death recorded in the same vicinity."

North Cairns has recorded over 130 Dengue cases, more than anywhere in the region.

Complaints lodged in the first week of December received little attention from Council's Environmental Health Unit.

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