Sunday, 9 March 2008

Cairns Mayor referred to Crime & Misconduct Commission

Mayoral candidate Kevin Byrne has been referred to the Crime and Misconduct Commission after refusing to answer questions in relation to his business & financial interests while Mayor of Cairns.

Spokesperson, for the Cairns Ratepayers Action Group (CRAG), John Babet said the complaint sent in on Friday, detailed information supplied by concerned citizens. They believe it is of public concern and want to achieve an open, transparent City Council.

John Babet also wants corrected what was reported to the North Queensland Assistant Commissioner of Police Andy Henderson by Mayoral Candidate Byrne.

The Cairns Mayor initiated a police interview about the matter. It came in the wake of a polite telephone message to the Byrne's home, urging a meeting to answer "questions of public interest."

"CRAG stands for truth, justice, and honesty in local government," says Babet. "These ideals will be diligently pursued, in the interests of our community."

For a week, Mayoral candidate Kevin Byrne had ignored CRAG’s emails, and phone messages requesting a meeting to put questions on his financial interests.

Babet initiated a call to Byrne’s mobile phone only to receive the curt mayoral cut off, "i don’t want to talk to you."

"Business interests undertaken while in the office of the Mayor must be made public, yet police became involved when this relevant issue was pursued with Mayoral candidate Byrne".

Babet said "CRAG believes such actions gag citizens, promoting a climate of fear, and intimidation in the community.

"CRAG says suspicion will always hang over any candidate who refuses to openly and honestly answer questions of vital public concern".

CRAG invites the media to obtain the police copy of the ‘short, polite phone message left on the byrne answer phone.’

CRAG would welcome publication of the questions put to mayoral candidate Byrne prior to lodgment of last week’s Crime and Misconduct complaint.

email John Babet
Spokesperson - Cairns Ratepayers Action Group
Telephone 0411 877 506


Anonymous said...

An honest person has nothing to fear from being open and honest. In fact these attributes are highly valued in our community and form a strong part of our Character. It is necessary that we are able to trust our civic leaders. Unfortunately, we have already been betrayed by KB on several matters.

Anonymous said...

Thank heaven someone has at last taken action against Byrne,surely Byrne did not think he is above the law.I applaud the gentleman who has had the courage to lodge an official complaint against KB.
Perhaps we will now learn the full details of his interests in these various Companies.If he is found
wanting he should resign forthwith.

Anonymous said...

There are many reasons to wait and do this a week out from the election and then go and publicly announce the “referral”. It’s the same as that leaked e-mail about the reasons Val Schier got forced out of her State Government job. None of the reasons are honorable or justifiable.

In Mr Babet’s case a genuine complaint would have been made at a less opportunistic time and would definably not have been advertised by a press release. The CMC is not a play thing for opportunist. Mr Babet best look into what happens to people who make false and opportunist complaints to the CMC.

For people who do these things and the people who support their actions “the ends justify the means” unfortunately for them it will not be the ends they desire, but rather what they deserve.

Anonymous said...

I have met and had dealings with Babet and have found him to be a complete idiot and a serial

Nothing he brings to my attention has any substance to it, he just makes trouble to satisy some inner turmoil.

He has an inferiority complex and has an insatiable need to create trouble and bring attention to himself.

Why else would he involve Kev's wife and daughter in all this ?

Kevin Bryne, has nothing to fear from this man.

In fact, it is Babet who should now be shaking, as the Crimes and misconduct commission do not like being used in this way.

You have gone too far this time.

Shame on you Babet, shame.

Anonymous said...

"factman" does make a point. Who could ever forget the horrendous battle nurse Toni Hoffman had in convincing authorities about "Dr. Death" or the shocking results of the first "inquiry". That case should stand as a stark and brutal reminder of how difficult it is to expose evil in our system.

Anonymous said...

Shame on you fatman ... you hide behind a pseudonym spitting out biased bile ... people who know Mr Babet know your vile comments are the complete opposite of this warrior for Truth who is a catalyst for a better community .
(see .
CRAG exists to turn over rocks and shine light on snakes/rats nests.
The people of the region will decide if they want to turn on the light after years of darkness. CRAG

Anonymous said...

I do not agree with Anon that the timing is suspect.

Whenever these things happen, this is what is always dragged out as if it makes a difference. It may be fortuitous for Mr Babet that his timing is now, and not so good for Council, but then again, it may never be good for Council if there is real substance to these allegations.

From someone who has been researching this Council for years with limited resources I can tell readers that it takes weeks, months and in my case years to get information out of government deptments, out of Council etc and join the dots. Once you do that then you need to turn that informaiton into something useful. I am sure Mr Babet and others have been working on these leads for a lengthy period of time and if the report is ready, then it is ready. One must be sure of your information to put in such a complaint and I wish them well.

The treatment by Council of this resident in the past has been shameful to say the very least.