Friday, 7 March 2008

Cairns Post gets it wrong, again

This morning's article in the Cairns Post "Caller warned for mayor threats", about John Babet of the Cairns Ratepayers Action Group, stated that the Police had given Mr Babet a formal warning.
This is totally incorrect, and slanders Mr Babet.
This is all about the accusations laid against the Mayor of Cairns involved in a number of companies.
Mr Babet went to see Inspector Eaton at Cairns Police station this morning. He confirmed that no warning was given at all. "We merely had a discussion," he confirmed with John Babet. "No further action was taken," he said.
Babet then visited the Cairns Post and asked to see Chief of Staff Gavin King. King was "too busy to come down to reception."
From the reception telephone, John Babet told King that the article was totally incorrect. "No warning was given to me by the Police Gavin," Babet informed him.
"You also did not state that the 'threatening telephone call' should have been 'alleged'. There was no threatening telephone call made," John Babet told Gavin King.
Then Gavin King said a rather revealing thing.
"I hear you're known to be fond of conspiracy theories," King said.
The only other person to have ever said that statement to John Babet is Mayor Kevin Byrne.
Who's pissing in who's pocket? I wonder if King has his own special seat at Villa and a lifetime ticket to the Taipans courtesy of the Unit Party? And no, that's no typo.
It's now obvious that our Mayor was formally involved in a number of companies over the last 8 years and didn't declare them on the official register, as the law states. Is this the "conspiracy" you have in mind, Gavin?
Why wouldn't the Cairns Post be interested in whether the Mayor accurately reveals his interests?
It is interesting that the case before the District Court this week between John Page and Greg Lennon Vs Councillor Freebody and The Cairns Post concerns the newspaper's role in presenting unbiased news.
Given the magnitude of the Unit Team's advertising budget, much of it directed at the Cairns Post, it seems to us that the Cairns Post editorial staff should be extra careful to avoid a perception that they are biased towards the big-spending incumbents. Stories like this can only bolster "conspiracy theories".
Some independent newspaper! Readers of the Post may well feel betrayed by this type of reporting.
The Cairns Post now needs to print a formal apology to Mr John Babet and the Cairns Ratepayers Action Group tomorrow.
Today the Cairns Ratepayers Action Group will file an official Crime and Misconduct application with their charges.


Anonymous said...

So does the Mayor have any involvement with those companies? I ask a simple question.

Anonymous said...

Some more questions,

Why was Amanda Byrne handing out monetary grants today, when she is not allowed to be in charge of any such public funds??

Was Mayor Kevin Byrne in control of the books at Azure Waters when his wife was charged? (He avoided being charged).

Why does Mayor Kevin Byrne feel he is above the law??

Enough Rope.

Anonymous said...

Babet is indeed a loony. Just like Mayor Byrne and also Gavin King.

It could be argued that cynical young Gavin is one of the biggest journalistic conspiracy theorists around and will back any for a story.

He will even back Bryan Laws self delusional comspiracies! And recent columns have supported the seriously delusional Peter Sandercock.

So much for rational young Gav :-/

Anonymous said...

Gavin Kings column in todays Cairns P ost 8/3/08 attacks Val's looks, I wonder if he finds Kev more attractive?
He must be a very lonely man.
I suppose if your one of Kev's mates you can get a cheap or free feed at Villa Romana.
Go back to Alice Springs Gavin where you belong.

Anonymous said...

There must be a law that requires Byrne to fully list his interests in the various Companies named.
I had an idea that the Local Government Act required this to be done.Surely someone can take this matter further,if possible before the Council Election on the 15th,

Anonymous said...

I actually bought the Cairns Post this weekend to see whether a retraction had been printed for Mr Babet. If it was there, I missed it, but I sure noticed a lot of editorial comment which was blatantly pro-Byrne.

What a pity that there is a print media monopoly affecting journalism in Cairns. Thanks to Cairnsblog for giving an alternative view.

How low do the Cairns Post have to go, or how worried are they when they have to stoop to criticising a Mayoral candidate's glasses and hairdo? I hope Gavin King learns very shortly that his readers have a bit more discernment than he gives us credit for.

Also, how could that boring female commentator get paid for her nasty little comment about Val paddling her own canoe to get out of Machans Beach, when it was the Cairns Post which printed the offending article?