Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Unidentified Flying Orrful King

So the good folk at Festival Cairns get "celebrity" fallen Cairns Post Chief of Staff Gavin King, to be one of the regular Festival commentators (they call it bloggers), offer them a bunch of free tickets to see the cool events and write about them.

Then what does Gavin go and scribe?

Something nothing to do with the Festival:
  • Gavin King at 26/08/2009 5:04 PM

    I've got some serious questions about the big story of the week running hot in the local paper: are the UFOs/strange lights/aliens hovering and darting across the sky above our fine city this week actually in town for Festival Cairns? Have they descended from beyond the stratosphere to marvel at this frenetic fortnight of festival fun and frivolity? The truth is out there. Or here. Or somewhere else entirely.

    Either way these intergalactic interlopers have picked a good time to visit the tropics. If you happen to meet them ask if they're going to watch Tex Perkins at the Tanks on Friday night. And offer to buy them a drink. Space travel at light speed is thirsty work.

What planet is he on?


Constance Lloyd said...

Wait for it!......he's coming.....any minute....Yes, Yes I am sure he is on his way!

Wait my friends for the seemingly obligatory post from CBD Warrior who will rant yet again and say that Mr Moore is unemployed etc etc etc.

He is so "ho hum"

Constance Lloyd said...

The irony is that the rants of CBD Warrior (or Wanker)and Falsive's imagery of the village idiot, bring to mind a separate image of village stocks - CBD is one person I would willing pay for the opportunity to pelt with rotten tomatoes (and perhaps real bullsh*t) as punishment for the infliction on this blog of his pathetic attempts to darken everyone else's reputation bar that of his alter-ego and hero Councillor Blake. Mind you, there are a few others flitting around CRC whom I would like to see in the witch's chair; a good dunking would do them, and me, a physcological power of good.

Gavin King said...

Why didn't they ask you to be a Festival commentator?
Regards, Gavin King

Paul Taylor, Maryborough said...

Looking at what your writing on th festival website Gavin, it looks like you're not a festival commentator either !!!

Maximinus the 3rd said...

Don't tell me its the Gavin King!!
Well well..who said that Mohamed does not do to the mountain. Welcome on board. Then again only if your writing standards have improved!

Syd Walker said...

As a non-celebrity Cairns Festival Commentator, I wish to comment on the photograph of Desley Boyle on the Festival Cairns Bloggers page.

It makes her look like a hippy.

Gavin, on the other hand, looks sagacious, honest and clean-cut - quite the image Cairns should be projecting to the world. Val looks tropical and innovative. I don't know the others, but they look like a normal working family.

But why isn't Desley wearing shoes? Is a jumbo jet flying out of her head - or is it a a bee, or a visiting drone from Guam?

The most disappointing thing about the Celebrity Blogger page is the lack of interactivity.

Not that I want to post comments - but I would like to vote on which Celebrity Blogger gets thrown out each day, as in Cairns own version of Big Brother.

I bet celebrities blog best when under pressure.

KitchenSlut said...

The blog section of the Festival Cairns website is the most asinine 'event' in total from all contributors presented at this or any previous Festival.