Sunday, 16 August 2009

Johnno still entertains

There's something really warm and welcoming about the Cairns Esplanade on a Saturday night, when an institution like Johnno still graces our streets.
Johnno is a famous part of our Cairns musical history, and it's a joy to hear him play.
Johnno's Blues Bar graced the corner of Abbott and Aplin Streets for many years, before being replaced by some factory chain food store.
CairnsBlog put together a nice tribute piece to the fall of Johnno's bar from our musical landscape in August 2007.
Here's local writer Tony Hillier chatting with Ian "Johno" Johnson on the last night of Johnos Blues Bar in Cairns.


Sk8erboi said...

well, he's a shocking singer, but at least he's still out there having a go. desperate being terrible, plus terribly addled by substnce abuse.

Living in the CBD said...

I second the comment above. Johno may have been talented at one time (but I doubt it) - but he's now just an annoying noisemaker trying to make a buck. With all the talented buskers around town, you've got to wonder why this annoyance is being allowed on the busiest pedestrian corner in Cairns. Or living in his van, for that matter.

David Anthony said...

Johno proved to be the legend that he is at the Cairns Festival parade on Saturday night. Whatever anyone's opinion is of Johno's singing voice, he is first and foremost a showman and entertainer. When he is on stage, there is lots of fun and humour for the audience.
Good on you, Johno, and good on the guy who loaned you his flatbed truck for keeping the Johno's dream alive.
I would just like to point out two of Johno's support artists during the parade. Kid Ryo and the Reverend Benson are well known to connoisseurs of fine music in Cairns. These talented young teens are well known for supporting Los Pistoleros at the Cape York Hotel on most Friday nights. They play terrific guitar instrumentals along the lines of the Shadows and the Ventures, plus other great numbers to get your feet tapping.
Ryo and Benson are local talent of the future to watch out for. Keep up the fantasic work, fellahs. You are knocking us dead. I look forward to your next gig at the Cape York this Friday night.