Sunday, 30 August 2009

Council goes all gaa gaa

Today, the Council chambers will ring with baby screams and noises. No, there's not a special sitting of the Finance Committee saying goodbye to Alan Blake (he's off in New Zealand skiing).

They will be real cry babies, in a first-ever event, the Cairns Regional Council will be welcoming babies born in the region.

The inaugural Baby Welcoming Ceremony, will take place the Council's Spence Street offices. Each new resident and their families will be presented with a certificate and a native tree, to make the occasion.

All babies born in the last two years had been invited to register.

“Cairns Regional Council has been planning this for a few months and we will be welcoming 185 new children,” Mayor Val Schier said.

“The day will be full of festivities for mums, dads and siblings of our newest residents. Cairns Council Administration building will be transformed for the event with free family entertainment, activities, refreshments and trade stalls in the courtyard."

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