Monday, 17 August 2009

Bloggers for the write occasion

I get truck-loads of media releases, from Kevin Rudd PM to the Save the Myola Frog campaign.
I missed one last week from the FestiVal Cairns team. It announced a line up of "local Bloggers" for the Festival, that is about to grace of region.
"A clutch of Twitter, My Space and Facebook, Festival Cairns will embrace the phenomenon of social media with the inclusion of a blogging page in its newly designed website," the press release read.
I was intrigued, but I don't think they wanted to invite this Blogger, that attracts 15,000 local hits a week. Oh no.

The media statement went on to say that a "hand-picked panel of bloggers from Desley Boyle, MP, Member for Cairns and Mayor of Cairns Regional Council Val Schier; to Gavin King, NQ Correspondent and columnist of The Sunday Mail; Jesse Kuch, timeOUT editor of The Cairns Post, to breakfast radio hosts Kier Shorey of ABC Radio Far North and Marty and Bec from Hot FM," would all be the bloggers.
"As a form of social media, blogging is an effective and interactive way of involving the ‘browsing’ community both at home here in Cairns and across the world," the release said.

“I am lucky enough to have been a Cairns local for over 30 years. I love the hum and the energy that comes from living in a busy and developing city,” said MP Desley Boyle, who single-handedly ripped down the historic Cairns Yacht Club late last year, ignoring 11,000 locals.
One good thing about this year's Festival, it is managed by the Council, not commercial interests as was the case previously. It will run from Friday 21 August to Sunday 6 September.
You can visit the Festival website, or contact the coordinator, Belinda Griffin telephone 4044 3593 or 0407 966 530. When you're chatting to Belinda, ask if they want a real Blogger to take part.


debbie said...

I reckon you're not on the list because you're not light & fluffy & pretty and because you ask too many awkward questions.

Thaddeus said...

Agreed, very curious as to why Mike's blog was overlooked, given Mike has given good coverage in the past to festivals and community events. I guess he isn't "fluffy and pretty enough" as debbie above said....

CBD Warrior said...

Ask Michael Moore a "real blogger" to take part? Kinda like asking if you want cancer or AIDS.